“OBTAINABLE” COD REMOVAL RATE VERSUS TOTAL COD LOADING RATE ”Obtainable" COD removal rate : (CODinfluent-SCODeffluent)*Q/A Period 1 and 2 Period 3 NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technology Dep. Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering Prof. Hallvard Ødegaard
RESULTS SETTLING EXPERIMENTS Influence of organic loading rate in bioreactor on settleability Influence of polymer addition on settleability Medium charge, high MW cationic polymer NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technology Dep. Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering Prof. Hallvard Ødegaard
SECONDARY TREATMENT PROCESS A HIGH RATE SECONDARY TREATMENT PROCESS NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technology Dep. Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering Prof. Hallvard Ødegaard
SSEFFL VERSUS ME-DOSE AND POLYMER DOSE PolyDADMAC NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technology Dep. Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering Prof. Hallvard Ødegaard
PARTICULATE COD FRACTIONS IN RAW AND FLOTATED WATER WITH DIFFERENT POLYDADMAC DOSAGES AND 0.2 MMOL FE/L . NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technology Dep. Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering Prof. Hallvard Ødegaard
LAMELLA FLOTATION UNIT HIGH RATE FLOTATION UNITS LAMELLA FLOTATION UNIT 20-25 m/h NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technology Dep. Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering Prof. Hallvard Ødegaard
MEMBRANE BIOREACTORS FOR WW TREATMENT Membrane bioreactors are being taken into use, mainly based on low-loaded activated sludge systems Activated sludge membrane bioreactors has the ability to overcome the inherent weaknesses of AS (large volume, poor settling) But there are still many challenges: Energy consumption Pre-treatment Cost Membrane biofilm reactors will be developed that may have higher fluxes, less cake formation and simpler membrane cleaning NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technology Dep. Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering Prof. Hallvard Ødegaard
NEW TYPES OF MEMBRANES AND MEMBRANE MODULES WILL BE DEVELOPED Permeate Concentrate SEM of membrane: Feed Sintered metal membrane NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technology Dep. Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering Prof. Hallvard Ødegaard
Prof. Hallvard Ødegaard WHAT ABOUT NITROGEN REMOVAL ? The principal nutrient removal strategies NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technology Dep. Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering Prof. Hallvard Ødegaard
CALCULATED BIODEGRADABLE, SOLUBLE COD (BSCOD) CONCENTRATION VS TOTAL COD IN SOME SCANDINAVIAN PLANTS NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technology Dep. Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering Prof. Hallvard Ødegaard
PROCESSES TAKING PLACE IN THE SEWER SYSTEM NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technology Dep. Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering Prof. Hallvard Ødegaard
Prof. Hallvard Ødegaard GARDERMOEN WWTP (Bioreactor HRT: 3 hrs) NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technology Dep. Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering Prof. Hallvard Ødegaard
PRE-COAGULATION/COMBINED DENITRIFICATION WITH INTERNALLY MADE CARBON SOURCE PRODUCED FROM SLUDGE BY THERMAL HYDROLYSIS NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technology Dep. Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering Prof. Hallvard Ødegaard
Prof. Hallvard Ødegaard Cost/benefit analyses for different methods NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technology Dep. Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering Prof. Hallvard Ødegaard
Prof. Hallvard Ødegaard Energy/benefit evaluation for different methods NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technology Dep. Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering Prof. Hallvard Ødegaard
Prof. Hallvard Ødegaard SUSTAINABLE URBAN WATER SYSTEMS Two schools : 1. The present centralized system should be replaced by alternative systems based on local handling 2. The present centralized system is the only realistic one, but it should be modified to be in agree- ment with sustainable development NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technology Dep. Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering Prof. Hallvard Ødegaard
IN SMALL DECENTRALISED CYCLES SOURCE SEPARATION IN SMALL DECENTRALISED CYCLES New equipment may be needed Example: Urine-separating toilets NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technology Dep. Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering Prof. Hallvard Ødegaard
NATURE-BASED (low-tech) PROCESS-BASED (high-tech) HIGH-TECH OR LOW-TECH LOCAL WWTP SOLUTIONS ? NATURE-BASED (low-tech) SOLUTIONS PROCESS-BASED (high-tech) SOLUTIONS NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technology Dep. Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering Prof. Hallvard Ødegaard
Prof. Hallvard Ødegaard NATURE-BASED (LOW-TECH) Ponds Contructed wetlands Infiltration systems CONSTRUCTED WETLAND FILTER NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technology Dep. Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering Prof. Hallvard Ødegaard
Prof. Hallvard Ødegaard PROCESS-BASED (HIGH-TECH) SYSTEMS Japanese Johkasou Norwegian SBR-plant NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technology Dep. Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering Prof. Hallvard Ødegaard
Prof. Hallvard Ødegaard RECLAIMED WASTEWATER FOR URBAN REUSE Reclaimed wastewater for toilet flushing in dual systems Reclaimed wastewater for landscaping (lakes, brooks, wetlands) Two approaches: citywide system small scale local systems Great demand for acceptable water Extraction from potable water source too expensive-not sustainable NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technology Dep. Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering Prof. Hallvard Ødegaard
THE TWO OUTGOING STREAMS FROM A WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT The wastewater Water itself Nutrients Heat The wastewater sludge Nutrients Energy potential Biogas and Biofuel Metals (coagulants) NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technology Dep. Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering Prof. Hallvard Ødegaard
Prof. Hallvard Ødegaard FINAL SLUDGE DISPOSAL OPTIONS DEPOSITION/CONTAINMENT On land – landfills – phasing out In the ocean – phased out Incineration ash deposition RECYCLING (”PRODUCTIFICATION”) Production of ”bio-soils” Recovery of phosphate Recovery of energy USE ON LAND Direct use on farmland as fertilizer/soil conditioner Use of ”bio-solis” (constructed soils) on green areas Quantity and disposal of communal sludge in EU (in 1000 tons of dry solids) NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technology Dep. Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering Prof. Hallvard Ødegaard
USE OF “BIO-SOILS” ON “GREENS” THE ”USE ON LAND” STRATEGIES DIRECT USE ON FARMLAND USE OF “BIO-SOILS” ON “GREENS” The most commonly used and probably the most sustainable sludge resource recycling option ! But : Under considerable threat ! Bio-soils: Mixture of treated sludge, filling materials (sand, clay, bark etc) and nutrients (N,P,K) Primarily used on green areas (parks, sporting fields, gardens, green houses) NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technology Dep. Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering Prof. Hallvard Ødegaard
Prof. Hallvard Ødegaard TREATMENT REQUIREMENTS FOR DIRECT USE ON LAND HYGIENIZATION – to prevent infection of people and animals STABILISATION – to prevent odour DEWATERING – to ease the spreading of sludge on farmland NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technology Dep. Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering Prof. Hallvard Ødegaard
Prof. Hallvard Ødegaard RECYCLE/PRODUCTIFICATION STRATEGIES The market place Internal loops Sludge ”factory” Local recycling Centralized recycling NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technology Dep. Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering Prof. Hallvard Ødegaard
THE MARKET POTENTIAL OF THE PRODUCTS THE MARKET POTENTIAL OF THE PRODUCTS Only bio-soils, electricity, phosphate and heat seem to have a potential NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technology Dep. Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering Prof. Hallvard Ødegaard
Prof. Hallvard Ødegaard EXAMPLES FROM USE OF ”BIO-SOILS” IN TRONDHEIM Graveyard Topsoil Ski-jump Turfroof Gardens NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technology Dep. Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering Prof. Hallvard Ødegaard
Prof. Hallvard Ødegaard ENERGY MANAGEMENT AT RYA District heating Treated water 6-7oC colder Heat power engine for el-production Boiler for heat product. Biogas for car-fuel Treated waste water Heat pump plant Gas storage Waste water sludge Bio-soil Biogas plant w/heat exchanger NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technology Dep. Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering Prof. Hallvard Ødegaard
Prof. Hallvard Ødegaard Heat from incineration Heat value of raw sludge : 14 MJ/kgDS (3,85 kWh/kgDS) ----”---- digested sludge : 12 MJ/kgDS (3,30 kWh/kgDS) The biogas potential should be taken out before incineration The energy needed for evaporation of the water is balanced by the energy produced by incineration at a sludge DS of about 25 %. Higher DS gives a net heat amount Typical process solutions : Dewat. Drying Inciner. Hydrol. Dewat. Inciner. Hydrol. Digest. Dewat. Inciner. Dewat. Drying. Bio-Pellets NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technology Dep. Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering Prof. Hallvard Ødegaard
EXAMPLE OF A SLUDGE PRODUCT RECYCLING CONCEPT (KREPRO) Recyclable products: Biofuel Precipitant Phosphorous Carbon source for N-removal Removed : Pathogens Heavy metals NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technology Dep. Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering Prof. Hallvard Ødegaard
UTILIZING SLUDGE IN BUILDING PRODUCTS (here: cement production in Jaoan) NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technology Dep. Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering Prof. Hallvard Ødegaard
Prof. Hallvard Ødegaard CONCLUSIONS I believe that we will see a change in technologies towards: Wastewater as a resource This requires special attention to : The role of particles Appropriate selection of processes Recycling of nutrients (P) Hygienic control Adapted from Du Pont PERMASEP Permeators NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technology Dep. Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering Prof. Hallvard Ødegaard