Awareness and Use of E-PG Pathshala Open Courseware by PG Students of Mizoram University: A Survey Dr. Manoj Kumar Verma Assistant Professor Department of Library and Information Science Mizoram University, Aizawl,
INTRODUCTION With the introduction of the internet, terms such as ‘open education’, ‘distance education’, ‘online learning’, ‘e-learning’ helps to define and shape the creative innovations taking place. Technological changes particularly web-based e-learning technologies have resulted in new curriculum design and teaching strategies. It is an important tool for delivery, interaction, and facilitation of both teaching and learning processes. E-Learning is a term used to refer to a form of learning in which the instructor and the learner are separated by space or time where gap between the two is bridged using online technologies
E-PG Pathshala MHRD assigned work to UGC to develop high quality; curriculum based interactive e-content for PG level courses running in Indian Universities. E-PG Pathshala is an online course work for post graduate students and developed by various experts working in the different discipline in the country. The E-PG Pathshala included 77 subjects across all disciplines of social sciences, arts, fine arts & humanities, natural and mathematical sciences, linguistics and languages. It is a gateway for all the postgraduate courses which enhance self-learning process, assessment and update with other courses.
MIZORAM UNIVERSITY Mizoram University is a central university located at Tanhril hills in the western outskirts of Aizawl city. It was established on July 2, 2001, by the Mizoram University Act (2000) of the Parliament of India, with Aizawl as its capital city. Total 8 schools of studies and 33 departments are present in Mizoram University.
OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY Identify the level of awareness on E-PG Pathshala among the PG students of Mizoram University Examine the frequency of use of E-PG Pathshala among the PG students of Mizoram University Measure the level of satisfaction towards E-PG Pathshala among PG students of Mizoram University Study the impact of E-PG Pathshala among PG students of Mizoram University
METHODOLOGY Survey method was used for collection of primary data. A structured questionnaire was designed and randomly distributed among 200 PG students of Mizoram University, out of which 180 (90%) questionnaires were received from the respondents. The collected data were analyzed and tabulated for data interpretation.
MAJOR FINDINGS OF THE STUDY Majority of respondents are young and female between the age group of 20- 25 years. 54% respondents are aware with E-PG Pathshala and 35.71% respondents are accessing it from their hostel followed by computer centre and library. Mobile phone is most favorable tool of respondents to access E-PG Pathshala contents. Majority of the respondents are not using E-PG Pathshala regularly. Only 14% respondents are using E-PG Pathshala daily, while 51% respondents are using only sometimes and spent less than five hours per week time on E-PG Pathshala. The main purpose to use E-PG Pathshala are writing assignments and preparation of competitive examinations and title & subject are most favorable search tool to locate their information.
Cont. 83.67% respondents feel that E-PG Pathshala contents are relevant for them and about 69% respondents are satisfied with E-PG Pathshala contents. The easy browsing and searching, convenient to use and multiple user access are main benefits to use it over print resources. The Internet speed is main problem and barrier to use E-PG Pathshala as mention by 51% respondents. The other barriers are lack of training (18. 91%) and inadequate e –article and inadequate resource (13.51%).
CONCLUSION The present study explored that half of the students are not aware of E-PG Pathshala. It is suggested that the university should conduct seminars or training program on E-Learning for the students to make them aware of the usefulness and benefits of accessing study material online.
Thus, E-Learning should be given high importance in higher education institution and organizations. Proper understanding of the concept of E-Learning must be taught to each student of PG level and the faculties of the department should involve making awareness of e-content in their respective field/subject so that students will aware and benefited by use of those e-contents.