Woodland / Shrubland Kish & Knapton
Characterizations Summers~ hot and dry, average of 105F Winters~ rainy and mild, average of 50F Precipitation~ 30-100 cm per year
Abiotic Factors Nutrient-poor soil Wild fires Some rock forms
Woodland Forest (low density) that offers sunlight for organisms with little shade Mainly deciduous, Oak and maple, along with Evergreen varieties Home to approx. 300 species
Locations Europe Northeast America Asia Around Mediterranean Sea
Adaptations Animals are nocturnal to avoid heat in daytime -tunnels/caves Brown, black, grey, and white coloring for camouflage
Organisms Carnivores: -jaguar, gray fox, arctic wolf, raccoon Marsupials: -kangaroos, possums Rodents: -gray-footed chipmunk, white-footed vole
Gray Fox & Gray-footed chipmunk
Shrubland Plant community dominated by shrubs, grasses, and herbs (sage, oregano, thyme, rosemary) Can occur naturally when a woodland becomes dry or due to primary/secondary succession or from human activity Contains shrubs, herbs, chamise, and acacia trees
Wildfires Caused by the overall dry state and added lightning Helps keep the shrubland in a stable state -keeps from overgrowing Dangerous to humans -unpredictability
Locations Desert areas Around Mediterranean Sea Northeast America
Organisms Crows, Ravens, Raptors, Eagles Rodents Snakes These organisms are adapted to this biome based off height advantages and foliage cover
Raven & Kingsnake