17 Personnel Time Recording A Tutorial for Advisers/Key Users 13.09.2018
This documentation and training is provided to you by beas gmbh This documentation and training is provided to you by beas gmbh. The documents are neither approved nor in any way acknowledged or endorsed by SAP. For SAP Business One, only the documentation and training officially released by SAP shall be binding upon SAP. SAP shall not be responsible for any content of this documentation and training and this documentation and training shall not be binding upon SAP in any way. The official current SAP Business One documentation and training for SAP Business One is available at http://service.sap.com/sbocustomer/documentation and http://service.sap.com/sbocustomer/training. 13.09.2018
Requirements for this Tutorial What you should successfully master The basics of SAP The basics of be.as 07.10.2009
Learning Targets After working through the lesson, you will be able to: Define work hours and shifts Monitor attendance Create time evaluations 07.10.2009
Agenda Personnel Time Recording 1: General 2: Work with personnel time recording (PTR) 13.09.2018
Human Resources Attendance – Master data : Absence types Hour rule Shift definition Day template Time evaluation Reports 13.09.2018
Agenda Personnel Time Recording 1: General 2: Work with Personnel Time Recording (PTR) 13.09.2018
Work with PTR Factory Calendar In the factory calendar holidays and day templates are defined, which are necessary for resource planning (capacity planning, porposal list – net requirement liste) and for target time calculation in attendance recording. As basis for any capacity calculation, the factory calendar needs to be regenerated every year. In case of deviaton each day can be edited, for example: a half-day office party, where only 20% of capacity is available. 13.09.2018
Work with PTR Create new factory calendar Day template: Example standard Mo-Th, Fr, Sa-Su These are taken as template for the whole year. Control: Attendance-master data-day templates The created day templates are displed there 13.09.2018
Work with PTR Shift definition Start of work Flextime Fix idle times End of work Start of work Core time End of work Tolerance Flextime Break 1 Break 2 Break 3 Flextime Tolerance 13.09.2018
Work with PTR define shifts Shift definition: Define there the work time for a selected shift. In this case shown the early shift. For different days, day templates with different work and idle times can be created. In the last column the planned work time can be entered, which is later appearing in monthly quota. 13.09.2018
Work with PTR Entry for automatical shift recognition Entry for automatic shift recognition Example Late shift: 3 pm - 8 pm, recognition 10 am - 6 pm … Early shift: 7 am - 3 pm, recognition 4 am -10 am a logon between 4 and 10 am is registered for early shift Night shift: 8 pm - 7 am, recognition 6 pm - 4 am accordingly For automatic shift recognition 24 hours have to be covered completely. If a person registers at 10:15 am, late shift is recognized. At logon and logoff for breaks, automatic recognition relates to the first clock in. Date of evaluation: here is adjustable, whether the early shift is counted as part of preceding day or the night shift as part of next day. This is important for the calculation of Sunday premium. 13.09.2018
Work with PTR Hour rules Rounding rules and account settings are deposited in the hour rules. These can be assigned to employees. A: Rounding rules: 5 minutes means in the 5-minute intervals is rounded to the disadvantage of the employee - 6:56 registration, counted from 7:00. For leaving in reverse mode: 16:04 check out, counted from 16:00. In between is the core time. During this time there is no rounding up, but a rounding down is adjustable. B: Hours surcharge: For certain shifts and overtime charges can be defined. Hours are reported separately. 13.09.2018
Work with PTR Shift schedule To each employee a weekly schedule with different shifts and hour rules is allocated. Red box for automatic shift recognition at logon. Example: 1-3 shifts , for each week the corresponding shift is entered. (1 early, 2 standard, 3 night) If there is only one shift, an entry for the first week is sufficient. The rotation is calculated from the date entered. Green field: all available shift are entered there and can be selected later manually 13.09.2018
Work with PTR Special shift extra rule Example: deviant from plan, the 26th of may is early shift. Set up special shift: This has higher priority than the hour rule and this a higher priority than the master data entry. 13.09.2018
Work with PTR Automatical shift recognition Special shift for this day ? (Human resources – special shift) Yes: use it . If not : Shift schedule ? (Human resources – standard work hours) ? Yes: use the defined rules If not : Is there a shift definition ? (Human resources) Yes: use it If not : Error message When the employee is registering, the program recognizes the shift based on the actual time. The check is conducted following the displayed order. Sa + So 13.09.2018
Work with PTR Calculation of work time Only times within the defined shift time and beyond the defined idle time are counted Shift time including tolerance Pause 1 Pause 2 Mind the difference between registered time and calculated time: Shift time: 7 am - 3 pm, break from 9:00 to 9:30 Registered: 6 am - 2 pm = 8 hours Calculated from 7:00 - 9:00 and 9:30 bis 2:00 pm Calculated time: 6:30 hours Registered Time Calculated Time 13.09.2018
Work with PTR Attendance Symbols in der report „currently present“ Present Vacation Sick Absent without permission Per day only one absence is possible. New types of absence can be defined: for example ½ day sick + ½ day vacation In the list “currently present” the presence of any person can be controlled at any times. 13.09.2018
Work with PTR Monthly quota Monthly quota displays in an overview: Vacation, Sick days, Work types, Overtime account, Absence. Monthly figures of the previous month serve as basis for calculating the time evaluation in the current month. Starting the evaluation, enable “write monthly values”. The initial entry is done manually: for each person the remaining leave and account balances must be recorded. All data of each month can be corrected manually. 13.09.2018
Work with PTR Time evaluation . Monthly quota Is transferred Write monthly values Vacation, Sick days, Work types, Overtime account, Absence. Everything is listed in the report. Tickbox: Write monthly values: monthly quota is transferred to the next months 13.09.2018
Work with PTR Configuration wizard All necessary settings for the correct operation of the PTR can be found bundled in the configuration wizard: Account overflow (overtime) on daily basis or until the end of the month? Count public holiday as working day? Minus hours are transferred to the next month? Quick Access to all relevant settings: day templates, company calendar, absences, hour rules, layer definitions, report settings 13.09.2018
Work with PTR Reports Free definable reports on: Time evaluation, hourly timesheet, time per project / work station Other Lists: Monthly working hours, absences, birthdays, holidays Output in various formats for further processing: Crystal, Word, pdf 13.09.2018
Work with PTR Reports In Time evaluation – Report definition you can adjust the report design and change the surcharge descriptions
Work with PTR Reports In the personal master you can define, which report definition to be used for evaluation. Alternatively this can be edited in time evaluation – report definition.
Work with PTR Reports In this way you can display fixed surcharges directly in the evaluation.
Summary You can now: Define work hours and shifts Monitor attendance Create time evaluations 07.10.2009
Thank you for your cooperation! 07.10.2009