Kevin Burkett Harvard University June 12, 2001


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Presentation transcript:

Kevin Burkett Harvard University June 12, 2001 Status of CDF-II Kevin Burkett Harvard University June 12, 2001 Kevin Burkett, FNAL Users' Meeting - June 12, 2001

Outline 2001: Run II has begun Last collisions were in 1996 Goals for Run II What’s new in the CDF experiment How are things working so far Kevin Burkett, FNAL Users' Meeting - June 12, 2001

Kevin Burkett, FNAL Users' Meeting - June 12, 2001 Goals of CDF in Run II Physics Goals: Understanding electroweak symmetry breaking - Higgs Boson Study CP violation and CKM Matrix in B system - sin2b, BS mixing Precision Electroweak Physics – W Boson, Dibosons Top physics – top quark properties, single top production Searches for new phenomena – SUSY, Large Extra Dimensions, … Detector Capabilities Handle 132 ns crossing rate Integrated tracking system Precision vertex information Ability to trigger on secondary vertices, hadronic B decays Kevin Burkett, FNAL Users' Meeting - June 12, 2001

Kevin Burkett, FNAL Users' Meeting - June 12, 2001 CDF-II Experiment Detectors retained from CDF Run I Central, wall calorimeters Central, extension muon detectors New in Run II Tracking Systems Silicon tracking system Central Outer Tracker End plug calorimeter Cerenkov Luminosity Monitor Forward muon detectors Scintillator time of flight Front-end electronics (132 ns) Pipelined trigger, DAQ All new software MUON CHAMBERS(CMP) CMX COT .5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 END WALL HADRON CAL. Inner silicon 6 layers 3 30 SOLENOID Intermediate silicon 1 or 2 layers = 1.0 = 2.0 n END PLUG EM CALORIMETER END PLUG HADRON CALORIMETER = 3.0 m EM CALORIMETER HAD CALORIMETER TOF MUON CHAMBERS(CMU) Kevin Burkett, FNAL Users' Meeting - June 12, 2001

Kevin Burkett, FNAL Users' Meeting - June 12, 2001 CDF-II Detector MUON CHAMBERS(CMP) Solenoid retained from Run I New drift chamber(COT) 96 layers 3d silicon tracking 7 layers in central region 8 layers in forward Scintillating tile plug calorimeter covers to |h|=3.6 CMX COT .5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 END WALL HADRON CAL. Inner silicon 6 layers 3 30 SOLENOID Intermediate silicon 1 or 2 layers = 1.0 = 2.0 n END PLUG EM CALORIMETER END PLUG HADRON CALORIMETER = 3.0 m EM CALORIMETER HAD CALORIMETER TOF MUON CHAMBERS(CMU) Kevin Burkett, FNAL Users' Meeting - June 12, 2001

Silicon Detector (Side View) Kevin Burkett, FNAL Users' Meeting - June 12, 2001

Kevin Burkett, FNAL Users' Meeting - June 12, 2001 Data taken with CDF-II CDF rolled in early September 2000 for the commissioning run Prototype silicon (60o), ~65% COT electronics coverage 5 stores 10/3/00 – 11/4/00, 1p x 8pbar and 36p x 36pbar Peak luminosity ~ 1029 CDF rolled back in February 2001 for the start of Run II 2 1p x 8pbar stores 4/3/01-4/5/01 Peak Luminosity ~ 1028 1 36p x 36pbar store 4/27/01 Peak luminosity ~ 1030 ~10 nb-1 written to tape Latest running started last Thursday Data used extensively to evaluate performance Kevin Burkett, FNAL Users' Meeting - June 12, 2001

Kevin Burkett, FNAL Users' Meeting - June 12, 2001 CDF Detector Roll-In Kevin Burkett, FNAL Users' Meeting - June 12, 2001

Calorimeter, Shower Max Extension, Forward Muon CDF-II Status (June 1) Sub-system Instrumented Operational Luminosity Monitor 100% Silicon : L00,SVX ISL 95% 67% COT Calorimeter, Shower Max Central Muon Extension, Forward Muon 90%, 50% Time-of-Flight 8% Level-1 Level-2 80% commissioning Level-3 developing filters Data Logging full rate (20 Mb / sec) Offline being tuned with data Kevin Burkett, FNAL Users' Meeting - June 12, 2001

Kevin Burkett, FNAL Users' Meeting - June 12, 2001 COT Performance COT Event Display Single Hit Resolution s ~ 200mm (Goal 180mm) -0.2 cm 0.2 cm Kevin Burkett, FNAL Users' Meeting - June 12, 2001

Kevin Burkett, FNAL Users' Meeting - June 12, 2001 COT Performance Conversions Some Simple Measurements: (commissioning run data, Level 3 tracking) Ks  p+p- m = 499 ± 0.2(stat) MeV/c2 L  p+p- m = 1116 ± 0.1(stat) MeV/c2 Kevin Burkett, FNAL Users' Meeting - June 12, 2001

Silicon Performance: Beam Line Impact parameter (d0) will show a sinusoidal f-dependence if the true beamspot is different from the nominal Plot d0 vs. f, fit beamspot Compare: Offline silicon tracks Silicon Vertex Tracker (SVT) Runs online Used in Level 2 Secondary Vertex Trigger True Beamspot d0 d0 Nominal Beamspot x=0,y=0 Kevin Burkett, FNAL Users' Meeting - June 12, 2001

Silicon Performance: Beam Line Silicon Online (SVT) d0(cm) f=0 f=360o Silicon Offline d0(cm) f=0 f=360o Offline: x=-1.3mm y=4.1mm SVT : x=-1.5mm y=4.3mm Kevin Burkett, FNAL Users' Meeting - June 12, 2001

COT Performance: Beam Line COT Offline D0(cm) f=0 f=360o Can do the same thing with COT offline tracks and the XFT hardware tracker For the XFT, a shift in the beamspot can be seen as a shift in the PT bin XFT DPT f=0 f=360o Kevin Burkett, FNAL Users' Meeting - June 12, 2001

Tracking Performance: COT + Silicon COT Outside-In tracking: Start with COT track Extrapolate inward and add silicon hits Compare impact parameter COT only vs. COT+Silicon Corrected for beam offset COT+SVX COT Only Kevin Burkett, FNAL Users' Meeting - June 12, 2001

Calorimeter Performance April Collision Data - 1.1 million events Jet ET (GeV) Jet h New Plug Kevin Burkett, FNAL Users' Meeting - June 12, 2001

Muon System Performance Old muon chambers New reconstruction code Kevin Burkett, FNAL Users' Meeting - June 12, 2001

Kevin Burkett, FNAL Users' Meeting - June 12, 2001 Trigger Performance Level 1 Triggering on jets, tracks, electrons, muons, SET, Missing ET XFT Df= 6 mrad (Goal 8 mrad) Level 2 Tagging trigger decision based on jets, SET, Missing ET Decisions made correctly Df(XFT-Offline) Kevin Burkett, FNAL Users' Meeting - June 12, 2001

Kevin Burkett, FNAL Users' Meeting - June 12, 2001 Interesting Events 1st W  en Candidate Missing ET 38 GeV Kevin Burkett, FNAL Users' Meeting - June 12, 2001

Kevin Burkett, FNAL Users' Meeting - June 12, 2001 Interesting Events 3 Jet Event Kevin Burkett, FNAL Users' Meeting - June 12, 2001

Kevin Burkett, FNAL Users' Meeting - June 12, 2001 Conclusions 2001: Run II is happening What’s new in the CDF experiment? Almost everything How are things working so far? Excellent When do we expect first results? Summer 2002 Kevin Burkett, FNAL Users' Meeting - June 12, 2001