Liveability scores How to evaluate cities
How good is your area to live in? Does anyone ask this when you talk about the country? How are the people?
Different indexes for city liveability The Economist Intelligence Unit's (EIU) Global Liveability Ranking 5 areas: stability, infrastructure, education, health care & environment Monocle's Quality of Life Survey safety, international connectivity, climate, quality of architecture, public transport, tolerance, environment, urban design, business conditions, pro-active policy making and medical care Mercer's Quality of Living Ranking safety, education, hygiene, health care, culture, environment, recreation, stability, public transport and access to goods & services
World’s most liveable cities according to EIU:
Youth Millennials Survey of 2016 Important factors for the cities,
Task 1 for you (15 min): In tasks-groups create an ideal evaluation system for cities/n-hoods. That is come up with a number of most important criteria for a city/n-hood (e.g. economy, environment) and give them certain weights: E.g. 50% of economics opportunities + 50% of access to nature = your index Make the index easy to understand & apply, as we are going to use it for the next task and also in the next activity (we advice to use a scale from 1 to 10) Put down your measurement system on an A3 paper After 15 min, briefly present to others & also tell which cities (worldwide) would score the most in it
Task 2 Your task is to use your created evaluation system and give ratings to towns/neighbourhoods (next slide) Think fast, because you will have 7 minutes per slide!
Kaunas (Old Town) Note: you can either rate city as a whole or just the n-hood (depending on your evaluation system)
What score have you given & (briefly) why? Group No 1 – Group No 2 – Group No 3 – Group No 4 – Group No 5 – Group No 6 –
What we have learned?