Dare to be different! Website 2.0 Review Session 18 December Dare to be different! Website 2.0
First content elements personal pages Pure portal Welcome! 12.45 – 13.05 h. Feedback & Choices New Results! Research website: First content elements personal pages Pure portal Graphical design research area Community website: Content elements page community Design events overview First page University Fund 13.05 – 13.25 h. Review in 2 groups Stakeholders Research Stakeholders Community 13.25 – 13.30 h. Next steps + review session 22 January Welcome
Feedback design personal pages “Full frame header picture looks nice, but does it always work?” “Can we choose which header we use?” “Please note: on a international website you have to use an international phone number” “Can we have an option to create a CV document?” “Can we have more pictures, on our personal page”? Feedback Group pages “Are you going to test which pages are being visit?” “How do we manage who will be visible in the slider with researchers?” Dare to be different
Choices Research Personal page We’ve now developed the design with the small portrait so we don’t depend on new pictures only. This design is also better for mobile. We are thinking of a design option for people with no picture. When we have time left, we will also develop the full frame version. (release 2 of the website) More pictures on your page may not be feasible from technical and quality point of view. We are going to look at this (release 2). We will make sure everything is international: phone numbers, functions of persons, etc. We will offer links to your social media, relevant scientific websites (research gate, google scholar) and a CV download option Dare to be different
Choices Research Group pages The order op researchers in the slider will be random showing a selection of 15 people from the group. And a new selection by refreshing the page. Via a link to the Pure portal an overview of all researchers in the group will be shown (release 1) Testing: as soon as the website is live we will measure search terms, how many times a pages is visited, etc. Pointed out during the last review session : Pure will be the source of the group page The use and order of content elements on the webpage will be flexible (expect for header, profile text and contact information) In Pure you can add projects, prizes, student theses, facilities, press/media, etc. (for persons and groups) The pink TU/e navigation menu is not in scope. We are looking for options for groups to have a navigation menu on their page Dare to be different
First personal webpages Liesbeth Janssen (also on print) Onno Boxma Remco Tuinier Ilja Voets First group webpages Soft Tissue & Mechanobiology Design Page Research Area
Pure portal configuration Entities Metrics on research output; PlumX, Altmetrics, number of research output Information on person: Organisational unit, citations (source Scopus) At "go live": research staff only
Personal configuration options Citations Organisation affiliations Option to choose highlighted content https://research.tue.nl (TU/e IP restricted)
First Community + Event pages Community Pages Personeelsvereniging Quadrivium GEWIS Protagoras Page University Fund Universiteitsfonds Eindhoven Events Open dagen Bedrijvendagen Career Expo Nationaal Wiskunde Symposium Open dagen vwo’ers Dies Natalis Workshop Zandsculpturen Audumla Huizen en disputenrace Haijraa Buitentoernooi Science Festival
Please give us your feedback on: Research Personal pages (photo, quote, details, research profile, academic background, publications) Pure Portal Design for page Research Area (Photonics, Energy, Smart Mobility, ICMS, etc.) Community Page for University Fund Pages Community and Events Design for overview of Events Concept Event Registration form Dare to be different!
Get information from Pure on personal and group pages Next steps Research Add content elements personal and group page to complete the first (basic) edition (release 1) Get information from Pure on personal and group pages Development of page Research areas Content: Gathering content for groups starting with groups your groups (stakeholders) In case the current content of a group is not up to date, we will facilitate an editor for (re)writing a profile text (bio) and photographer for a professional research picture Process for bio’s and portraits for persons is still running If necessary: please update your information in Pure Dare to be different!
First working agenda with the bigger events Next steps Community Agenda First working agenda with the bigger events First study to filter options for events Storage (one source) for events Communities Give an overview of all communities active within the stakeholders of project website 2.0 Link pages to agenda and vice-versa Start of first preparations for support pages Development, vitality and support Contact with various services (ESA, DPO, Sports Center) First design Filter options Links to existing pages Dare to be different!
We wish you happy Holidays! Next review session Monday 22 January 12.45 – 13.30 hrs Gemini Zuid, room 4.24 Project information and results: www.tue.nl/projectwebsite Please share it with your colleagues We wish you happy Holidays! Dare to be different!