QATAR NATIONAL LIBRARY Discovery of Open Access Content Milan Vasiljevic, Open Access Week 2017
Why relevant OA source matters? To avoid Predatory publishers Open Access Week 2017
How to identify predatory journal/publisher Is the editor a real person? How about their institution? Can you identify and contact publisher of a journal? Fake journal ranking information (IF) Dodgy looking web site Broad disciplinary coverage Is it indexed in some of the indexes you are using? Can you read the articles on the journal website and if you can – are they any good? Very short Peer Review and acceptance period
Or… You can submit your article to a journal and wait for the feedback… Open Access Week 2017
Index doesn't guarantee quality
Where (OA initiatives) 10,229 Journals 7,409 searchable at Article level 121 Countries 2,637,000 Articles 9349 Academic peer-reviewed books and chapters from 233 publishers Total = 3448 repositories OpenDOAR - 22-Oct-2017 319 Periodicals 150 Publishers 18 Arab countries Open Access Week 2017
Where (OA Publishers/platforms) PLOS (for Public Library of Science) is a nonprofit open access science, technology and medicine publisher PLOS Journals PLOS Biology, October 2003 PLOS Medicine, October 2004 PLOS Computational Biology, June 2005 PLOS Genetics, July 2005 PLOS Pathogens, September 2005 PLOS ONE, December 2006 PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, October 2007 PLOS Currents, August 2009 Open Access Week 2017
Where (OA Publishers/platforms) BioMed Central publishes over 250 scientific journals Biomedicine Science Chemistry Mathematics Dentistry Medicine & Public Health Pharmacy Education Engineering Philosophy Environment Physics Life Sciences Psychology Materials Add coverage Open Access Week 2017
Where (OA Publishers/platforms) Established in 2015 currently has 20 journals in its portfolio 4000 articles Life, Biology, Health Sciences and Computer Science More than 400 journals in science, technology, medicine and humanities Open Access Week 2017
Where OA PrePrints Launched in August 2017 Open Access Week 2017
OA journal flipping Look for OA alternatives within your discipline Open Access Week 2017
OA @ your Library Library discovery tools – some might call it library catalog - should have option to find OA content. Talk with your librarians! Open Access Week 2017
Or use other libraries search enignes Search across 47,048,006 OA documents Browsing features Covers more or less all OA publishers/platforms BASE - Bielefeld Academic Search Engine Open Access Week 2017
Unpaywall Browser extension Open Access Week 2017
Unpaywall - finding free, legal, full-text articles
OA button - finding free, legal, full-text articles
Thank you QNL open to the public on November 7th Find out more about our open access resources by going to This work is copyright QNL and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Open Access Week 2017