5TH Grade News MATH EXTRA EXTRA LANGUAGE ARTS 2nd Quarter has just begun and we are very excited because our 5th graders are doing so well and learning so much. This quarter is very important because we have so much time off for Thanksgiving break and Winter break. Please be sure to send your students to school because every day counts! LANGUAGE ARTS We adopted a new Reading program this year called “Wonders”. This program incorporates, Reading, Writing, Grammar, and Research. It is wonderful and we are excited about it. MATH We have begun module 3 in Eureka Math which is all about Fractions. The students are doing great; thank you so much 4th grade teachers for preparing them. May 12th Field Trip EXTRA EXTRA 11/6-11/10 Book Fair 11/10 Veteran’s Day assembly 11/13 Jump Rope For Heart Day 11/17 Thanksgiving Lunch 11/22-11/27 Thanksgiving Break We are currently learning about Earth’s landforms. After that, we will be covering natural resources including renewable and nonrenewable resources. Growth Mindset “You have only failed if you have given up.”