Our 1st Grade Classroom News Week of October 30th – November 3rd Email: valorietrombley@johnston.k12.nc.us Important Information Dates to know * We are looking forward to a fun Halloween with Early Release too! Thank you to everyone that signed up to contribute to our special snack. Parents are welcome to attend at 12:45 also! No Homework on Tuesday!!! * Reminder: Girls need one black pillowcase and boys need one tan pillowcase by October 30th please so we can begin making our Pilgrim and Indian outfits! 10/31: Early Release/End of 1st Quarter 10/31: Halloween Snack – 12:45 11/1: No School for students (Teacher Workday) 11/3: RES Spirit Day 11/9: Report Cards go home 11/10: No School! 11/17: Thanksgiving Feast- 11:30 11/22-11/24: No School 12/1: RES Spirit Day 12/13: Progress Reports 12/14: Christmas Party at 2:15 12/15: Early Release 3/8: Field Trip to Morehead Planetarium Our Learning Focus Theme: Halloween Math: Developing strategies for addition and subtraction, place value with tens/ones, & exploring relationships between # combinations Phonics: We will continue to focus on Bonus Letters & the glued sound “all” (glued sounds stick together). Reading Focus: Identifying the main topic and retelling key details of a story Writing Focus: Writing informative/explanatory texts that name a topic, supplies facts about that topic, and provides some sense of closure Science: Balance and Motion Words to Remember WWW: No Words this week since it’s a short week! We will review previously learned words. Word Families: Review