**Remember to wear tennis shoes on P.E. days** A Peek At The Week -In reading we are continuing to switch to our leveled reading groups. -During math we will review the correlation between addition and subtraction. Students will take their end of the module test on Friday. -This week during writing time we will be working on telling more within our writing. Students will be writing about a time that was fun and about a time that was not fun! Our writing paper this week will be different, with no illustration box. Students are adding details through words in their story. -Our Core Knowledge time will continue with our unit on the human body. This week we will focus on the digestive system and the circulatory system. Homework Ideas -Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays - reading homework -Tuesdays and Thursdays - math homework Looking Ahead -November 13th: Fit-n-Fun;3:10-3:45 in the gym -November 20th: Fit-n-Fun;3:10-3:45 in the gym -November 21st: Pajama Day -November 21st: Monfort Family Feast *Buy your tickets now! - November 22nd-24th: Thanksgiving Break Mrs. Hawkins’ First Grade News November 13th 2017 ohawkins@greeleyschools.org Extra News -We are going to be doing a special activity for Thanksgiving next week. Each child needs to bring in a plain pillowcase. It doesn’t matter what color it is, just no designs. We will be decorating and cutting them, so please make sure you are okay with that when thinking about which one to send in We would appreciate them being here by Thursday! Specials this Week Monday- Computers Tuesday- Art Wednesday – Music Thursday- P.E. Friday- Computers **Remember to wear tennis shoes on P.E. days** Reminders Fall is here! Please send your kiddo to school with a jacket for that cold morning recess and those chilly afternoons.