REPASO s/he examines
examina s/he discovers
descubre A big wave
Una ola grande It is full
Está lleno The tea
El té s/he dances
The expensive clothing baila The expensive clothing
La ropa cara s/he is mad
Está enojado/a s/he it hits the boat
Golpea el barco s/he is going to fish
A ham and cheese sandwich Va a pescar A ham and cheese sandwich
Un sándwich de jamón y queso s/he gets the key
Consigue la llave The owner
El dueño While he shaves
Mientras se afeita She throws him the key
Le tira la llave It costs 20 cents
Cuesta veinte centavos A serious problem
Un problema serio The ice cream
El helado It lands
aterriza He tries to fix
Trata de arreglar An empty boat
Un barco vacío She picks up
recoge A big hole
Un hoyo grande The sink breaks
Se rompe el lavabo Without the cat
Sin el gato crossing
cruzando It takes off
despega A room
Un cuarto He flies
vuela She explains to him
Le explica The suitcase
She doesn’t pay attention to him La maleta She doesn’t pay attention to him
No le hace caso a both
ambos EL FIN