Customer Acquisition Short-Term Goal: 20+ customer points (1st 30 days) Acquire 5 or more qualifying customer points - Become a QTT (Qualified Team Trainer) Acquire 15 or more customer points - Become an ETL (Executive Team Leader) Long-Term Goal: 60+ customer points Allows you to maximize Compensation Plan
Customer Sources Yourself Prospects who do not become IBOs Referrals & Everyone Else – Warm Market Initially new IBOs should focus on Customer Sources 1 and 2
Customer Sources Yourself Prospects who do not become IBOs Referrals & Everyone Else – Warm Market Approach referrals and everyone else after you gain knowledge, experience and confidence
Customer Sources Yourself Prospects who do not become IBOs Referrals & Everyone Else – Warm Market
Customer Source 1: Yourself We recommend you become your own customer! Creates knowledge & belief for you in the services Teaches you the customer sign-up process Provides you all the necessary tools You set a good example
Customer Source 1: Yourself Preferred Services Digital Phone Service Wireless Energy Merchant Services DigitalTalk Express® Local & Long Distance Home Security & Automation
Customer Sources Yourself Prospects who do not become IBOs Referrals & Everyone Else – Warm Market
Prospects who do not become ACN Independent Business Owners Customer Source 2 Prospects who do not become ACN Independent Business Owners Start building your team by inviting your contacts to view the ACN presentations available to you If after viewing the ACN presentation one of your prospects chooses not to become an IBO, ask them to support you by trying all of the services you are offering or at least one of the services Just imagine how many customers you can acquire over time with these sources
Keys to Success Customer Source 2 Enthusiasm Urgency Prospects who do not become ACN Independent Business Owners Keys to Success Enthusiasm Urgency Rely on your relationship Use the favor approach
FAVOR HELP TRY Customer Approach People will become your customer quicker to support you than if you try selling them on the services
Customer Approach Yourself Prospects who do not become IBOs Referrals & Everyone Else – Warm Market *Focus on this source after you gain knowledge, experience and confidence *Always ask for referrals from all of your customers
Primary Services for Qualification Digital Phone Service Local Long Distance Flash Wireless TV Service Xoom Energy Merchant Services
U.S. STRIVE FOR FIVE POWER YOUR HOME When you acquire 5 customers of the same service, you receive your service up to FREE! ACN Digital phone service or DigitalTalk Express ACN local/long distance or Business Advantage Flash Wireless POWER YOUR HOME Your residential energy service up to FREE!
Customer Survey
Customer Survey Script “I’ve started a new business I’m really excited about. I was wondering if you could do me a HUGE favor? (wait for response) Right now I am in the process of learning our new business. It would be a big help if you would you spend a couple minutes with me filling out a brief survey so I can learn about the services you have and approximately how much you are spending? This is really going to accelerate my learning curve.” Words NOT to use: *Switch *Change *Sell
Customer Survey Script If you are there in person hand them the sheet and let them fill it out. If you are on the phone go over the sheet box by box and write down their information. Note: If they are in contract you don’t need to get the details of the service. You will call them back towards the end of their contract and get the information then. Remember: don’t sell them right there even if you know you can save them money, just get the information.
Customer Survey Script After they fill it out say “Thanks a lot, I really appreciate your time, it’s a big help. What I'm going to do is spend a few minutes comparing services and pricing. By the way… if we do happen to find we can save you some money, would it be okay if I called you about it?” (Response) Go back and research it on your online store. Call your upline if you have questions or need further clarification or assistance or help with Follow up.
Customer Survey Script Call them back within 24 hours with great enthusiasm. Tell them you’ve found some great deals but need a little more information. Ask how soon can you stop by to show them what you found. Reminder: They may not be a customer today. Build your long-term customer database!
Customer Acquisition Approach Use the Customer Acquisition Script Speak with Urgency & Enthusiasm Sort Red Apples Sign Them Up Green Apples Follow the Script Brown Apples Move On
The RESULTS Of A TEAM Who Is Excellent At Acquiring Customers You will Earn a Higher Residual Income Your Team will Earn a Higher Residual Income Better Recruiters Because of Belief Better Trainers Ultimately More Successful
Additional Product Information IBO Back Office and Your ACN Direct Online Store
Now Go Get 60+ Points And Build Billing Revenue RESIDUAL INCOME IS THE REWARD !!! © ACN Opportunity, LLC 2013_CP_PPT_Weekly_CustAqu_120913