Today’s Agenda What IS Priority Matrix? Priority Matrix in the A/C/E industry Priority Matrix use cases from real teams
What is Priority Matrix?
Priority Matrix = Your Team’s Trusty Sidekick
Priority Matrix Use Cases Prioritization Communication Tracking progress Keeping track of multiple projects Knowing how much time to allocate to a task Email Data and Priority Management Communication between senior and junior staff which tasks to focus on and Keeping employees focused on the most urgent tasks Herding cats Prioritizing What this all comes down to is efficiency Streamlining the process and making sure the process works
“There is nothing so useless as doing efficiently that which should not be done at all.” – Peter Drucker, Management Consultant
Communicating Priorities Everything is in context
Across The Team Principals: Visibility of priorities aligned PMs: Communication of assignments Team: Knows what to work on
“Priority Matrix creates a roadmap for what we’re working on, even if last minute tasks come up.” - Tim Yep, Project Manager, Oakland CA
Principal Priorities, deadlines Progress PMs Project Architects
Team Communication In Practice Delegation In-app chat Communication with external parties Mobile app check-ins
Status Reporting
Priority Matrix in Action
- Principal, Eight Inc., San Francisco “Whatever pain I have to go through to do all that stuff is nothing compared to the pain that I’ll feel when my staff is overburdened or pulled in different directions.” - Principal, Eight Inc., San Francisco Today’s webinar should last about 30 minutes +/- a Q&A, and we’re going to start out covering a few broader topics, before we hone in on some concrete steps to really up our team’s game and take things to the next level. First off, we’ll tackle what makes a “success team”, along with the needs of Principals, Project Managers, all the way down to the level of project architects as it relates to tackling architecture projects. Then, we’ll cover a number of concrete and simple ways that you can help your team fulfill these needs, while staying in the loop to make sure that everyone really is meeting those competing deadlines, communicating clearly, and not letting anything important slip through the cracks.
Project Information PIORITY MATRIX
Project Information Today’s webinar should last about 30 minutes +/- a Q&A, and we’re going to start out covering a few broader topics, before we hone in on some concrete steps to really up our team’s game and take things to the next level. First off, we’ll tackle what makes a “success team”, along with the needs of Principals, Project Managers, all the way down to the level of project architects as it relates to tackling architecture projects. Then, we’ll cover a number of concrete and simple ways that you can help your team fulfill these needs, while staying in the loop to make sure that everyone really is meeting those competing deadlines, communicating clearly, and not letting anything important slip through the cracks.
Priority Matrix Reviews
Priority Matrix Reviews
Priority Matrix Reviews
Pre- Priority Matrix
Post Priority Matrix
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