Graphics Card A graphics card is used to make the images displayed on your computer better quality and the performance of your computer. It is usually used for gaming to make your experience with the game better.
Digital Camera You use a digital camera for taking pictures. It is very good as you have features such as zooming in and out. Also flash which helps if its dark and to make your image clearer. Also a lot of the new digital cameras have auto focus so it will focus on the main thing rather than anything else. You can also view your photos after you have taken then and delete them if you don’t want them. Also the higher the mega pixel the clearer the picture is viewed.
Scanner A scanner is a device that if you put work between the 2 screens it will scan whatever is on the paper anything from writing to images. It is connected to a computer so you can get the images off it but you can also print the images off.
Printer A printer is a device that if you have work on a program such as Microsoft word, the work you’ve done you can print off on paper. The features it has is that if your on Publisher and your doing a brochure that needs printing on both sides you can print it off and then when the first side comes out printed you put it back in the printer and it will print the other side so it is very easy to use.
RAM RAM is to store your data. Its feature is that if your doing some work on Microsoft word and you save it. The RAM will “remember” it so whenever you next need it whether it is a day, month or year it will always have your work on there. If you’ve not saved it then your work will be lost.
Processor A processor is like the brain of a computer, it is so the computer can run windows and such things. The bigger the processor the faster the computer runs. This helps with things like games and Microsoft programs.
CD ROM A CD ROM’s feature is that if you insert a disc into it then what is on that disc such as a video game, music or even a film then it will load. You can just “Run” the disc or you can “Save” what is on it so you can access it. However, mostly you need the disc in the CD ROM before you can open it such as games you might need the CD ROM to actually go on the game.
Hard Drive A Hard Drive is where all of your programs and files are stored. Therefore if your computer hard drive gets damaged you loose all of your programs and files. The larger your hard drive is the more you can store on it.
Vector Graphics Software This is a computer program that allows us to edit graphic images interactively. With vector you can see things more clearly and as shown on my image you can magnify the image and it not pixel ate like it does on Bitmap. The features with this software is very good as it doesn’t matter how much you “scale” the image the quality will always be as good.
GIMP software GIMP software has features such as crop, different “brushes” such as brush sizes and shapes of the brush, the ability to “layer”. However it is quite restricting as you cannot change the size of your images you can only crop and it is very block like and simple. However it allows you to edit images and create posters, banners and even toilet paper.
Photo Manipulation Software Photo manipulation software is such programs like “Photoshop”. You can manipulate photos on the programs you can adjust the image size, the colour of the images such as you can turn it from colour to “greyscale”, you can use different size paint brushes and different shapes. You also can layer the images and also if you get a image from the internet and it has a white background. You can use the “Magic Wand Tool” which if you click on the background of the image and press delete you just get the image with a perfect outline, this means that if you want to put it in front of another image it looks like it is part of that image. There are so many features you can not name them all but they all come in useful. The main feature for photo manipulation software is to edit (manipulate) images.