Introduction What is research ? Search for new knowledge Systematized effort to gain new knowledge Moving from the unknown status to more known Learn more Gain more understanding Original contribution to the existing knowledge Add knowledge etc.
Motivation in Research Related to the purpose of conducting research To get a degree Desire to face the challenge in solving problems Desire of doing some creative work Desire to be of service to the society Desire to get respect
Types of research Descriptive (Ex post facto research) Analytical Applied (operation) Fundamental basic/pure/original research Quantitative Qualitative Conceptual Empirical Can be done---Retrospective/cross sectional/prospectively…….. Experimental/simulation Clinical/diagnostic, lab or field setting
Research approaches Quantitative Qualitative – Inferential Experimental Simulation Qualitative – subjective assessment of attitudes, opinions and behavior It is a function of the researcher’s insights and impressions
What does it encompass ? Defining and redefining problems Literature review Formulating hypothesis or suggested solutions Methodology….design etc Collecting data Organizing the data Analyzing or evaluating the data Interpretation Making deductions and reaching conclusions
Research steps- or the process Define the research problem Review the literature Formulate hypothesis/develop objectives Research design (methodology) Collect the data Analyze/test hypothesis if any Interpret and report.
The plan to cover the topic– the walk through Research topic Description and analysis of the problem through literature review Define the problem State your research objectives Broad objective Specific objective Epidemiological Measurements employed Strategies/research methodology, design etc. Implementation Activities Data collection, compilation, analysis, Interpretation Report writing
What is a research objective ? Describes what we expect to achieve by a project The purpose of research is to find answers to the questions that we raise, Finding the truth Finding the hidden knowledge Finding the undiscovered information/knowledge Each research study has its specific purpose.
4-Broad grouping of research objectives Exploratory or formulated research studies To achieve new insights To gain familiarity with a phenomenon Descriptive To portray accurately the characteristics of a situation, group or individual
4-Broad grouping of research objectives cont’d Diagnostic To determine exactly what happens Hypothesis testing To test a hypothesis of a causal relationship between variables
Research objectives Objectives of a research proposal are the key pointers to what is to be achieved by the proposed study Objectives should be closely related to the statement of the problem e.g. if the problem identified was low utilization of FP methods among women in Tanzania. Factors associated with the problem were identified from literature search. Then the objective of the current study would be to identify the reasons for continued low utilization in past 5 years despite intervention efforts; in order to get scientific solutions
Why should research objectives be developed Objectives are a summary of all that is to be achieved Objectives answer the questions like: where do we want to go? What do we want to achieve by going there? Can be simply expressed as the goals/very broad aims of what is to be achieved Help to narrow down the study to essentials
cont’d Help to avoid collection of data NOT strictly necessary for solving/understanding the problem- not helping to achieve our aims Objectives help to organize the study in clearly defined phases (in long term studies) Give a clearer view of the next step in proposal writing, namely development of Research Methodology
Broad Objective Usually one, rarely two Identifies in general terms what is to be accomplished by the study and why Expands the title by indicating who, when, where and what is to be studied in general terms Provides the way for the formulation of more quantifiable aims i.e. the specific objectives
Specific objectives Identify in greater detail the specific aims of the study/research project being proposed Focus on quantifying, or specifying the problem at the material time, place They are usually stated in clear, logical and feasible components of the broad objective They are phrased operationally i.e. to show exactly what will be done, where, among who, and for what purpose
Specific objectives cont’d Specific objectives should systematically address the various aspects of the problem as given in the Statement The first specific objective focuses on quantifying or specifying the problem at the material time of the study…..many issues will have been defined/described as seen in Statement but not quantified. The researcher ,therefore , moves from the known …to the unknown… to make his/her contribution through research
Writing of specific objectives Action verbs which can be evaluated are the ones used: To determine ……… To compare………. To establish………. Actions usually avoid vague statements like …to understand, …to study….to learn….
Specific objectives They are stated as positive statements which are: Measurable Achievable Realistic and Time bound SMART is an acronym to help you remember
Recap: The steps in conducting a research study Introduction to the research topic Problem Statement and Justification of the Research Project Literature Review Hypothesis and Objectives of the Study Research Methodology
Steps in conducting a research study cont’d Data Collection, Analysis and Evaluation of Data Expected Results and Output of the Study Bibliography Appendix , e.g. Tables, Graphs, Questionnaires etc. Financial Budget and Timetable
WRITING PROBLEM STATEMENT AND RESEARCH OBJECTIVES TOPIC : prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV/AIDS in Tanzania 2000-2010 Research items: Prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV/AIDS: Expert Panel Report and Recommendations to the U.S. Global Coordinator in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania ,2010 Selected References PMTCT of HIV-1 through breast feeding by treating infants prophylactically with Lamivudine in DSM Tanzania
References cont’d PMTCT of HIV1 through breastfeeding by treating mothers with triple antiretroviral therapy in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, 2009. Uptake of HIV and Syphilis testing of pregnant women, their male partners in a program for PMTCT of HIV in Uganda Effect of early, abrupt weaning on HIV-free survival of children in Zambia High uptake of exclusive breast feeding and reduced early post natal transmission of HIV from mother to child in Tanzania Effects of early exclusive breast feeding on the risk of postnatal transmission of HIV-1 and increase of HIV free survival among children in Tanzania
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