Kitchen Design
Planning Kitchens First – Know your area! You must know the area of the room being renovated Know your Client – Schemes and Themes must be designed around the needs of your client.
Planning Kitchens Work Center– Food Storage, Cooking Center, Cleanup Center, Work Triangle–Imaginary line connecting the Fridge, Range, and Sink Common Layouts– Island, Peninsula, etc Your Floor Plan– Seating area in the kitchen?
Kitchen considerations: Adequate Space Efficient Work Triangle Counters and counter space Consider special needs (ex. universal design elements)
Storage: Cabinets and Fixtures Location for efficient work Materials Wood Laminate Metal Marble Quartz Granite Ceramic
Kitchen systems: Electrical – ground-fault circuit interrupters needed for outlets near water Lighting – lights should be wall or ceiling mounted. Bright light is needed. Skylights are another option. Ventilation – needed to expel smoke (exhaust fan, windows)
ground-fault circuit interrupters A GFCI is a special electrical outlet that prevents electric shocks in situations such as the ones described above. The GFCI monitors the electrical current leaving from and returning to the outlet. The current leaving the outlet should be the same amount as the returning current. If the current returning is less than that which leaves, the missing current could be passing through somebody’s body to the ground. The GFCI detects the mismatch and shuts off the electrical outlet in a split second.
DESIGN project Create a unique kitchen design for a real life client. Interview the client and build a client profile. Your design will be showcased on a design board and must include the following: Accurate floor plan Colour scheme Sample materials that showcase: flooring, textiles, etc. Pictures of fixtures, appliances and accessories A price list for your items listed
DESIGN PROJECT You will be given class time to work on this project, however, you must come prepared. You will need to use your time effectively to research products online. You will have to spend time outside of school to gather some materials for your design board, such as paint samples and/or other textiles and materials you wish to include on your board. You will also be responsible for creating a pitch to the client and class to sell your design.
Design Project ADVICE FROM PAST STUDENTS… “Whatever you do, don’t leave this until the last minute!! There’s a lot of work involved but it’s cool to see your design come together in the end.” “Use the time the teacher gives you in class wisely. Don’t slack off like me cause you’ll regret it when it comes time to present your board.” “I especially liked getting to know the client and knowing that my design could actually be one they chose. “I didn’t realize how much there is to think about as a designer. I thought it would be a simple assignments, but there’s so much more to it than meets the eye.” “Don’t waste class time.” “Visit places like Home Depot and Kents to see the bathrooms on display. It helped me a lot to see it in real life.” “Don’t leave it until the day before or you’ll be up the creek buddy!!!”