SOIS EDS Interoperability F. Torelli CCSDS Spring Meeting 2014 3/4/2014
Outline Interoperability tests objectives Interoperability tests Outputs of interoperability tests activity Work plan
Interoperability tests objectives Validation of the EDS schema by means of independent users Validation of all the features specified in the EDS schema blue book Validation of the DoT ontology by means of independent users Validation of all the features specified in the DoT ontology blue book
Interoperability tests 1/3 Basic steps: Definition of artificial device ICD to exercise all the features of EDS schema to be validated Distribute the artificial device ICD to independent developers to build the related SEDS instances Validate the SEDS instances against the EDS schema AND DoT Verify that the independent SEDS instances for a given artificial device are equivalent How to implement point 4: To generate FSW code and device simulation stubs using the SEDS To command/acquire data between OBC FSW and device simulation stubs generated using the different SEDS for the same device
Interoperability tests 2/3 Artificial Device ICD X Artificial Device ICD X Artificial Device ICD X Developer A Developer B Device X SEDS A EDS Schema Device X SEDS B Develop Validate Verify Develop Validate Verify
Interoperability tests 3/3 Generate FSW and simulation stubs from developer A and B, then cross-strap them in the test setup Device X SEDS A Device X SEDS B Reference tool chain Test set-up Test set-up Device X OBC FSW Device X Sim Stub Device X OBC FSW Device X Sim Stub C&DA Test C&DA Test
Outputs of interoperability tests Collection of Artificial Device ICDs Collection of 2 SEDS for each Artificial Device Collection of 2 FSW and Simulation Stubs for each Artificial Device Reference tool-chain Validation and Verification Test Reports
Work plan Identify features to be included in the blue book Define Artificial Device ICDs Define test plan for SEDS validation against XML schema and DoT Define test plan for SEDS verification of the SEDS interface Execute the tests Feedback to EDS schema and DoT