Cass School of Education & Communities NEW MENTOR TRAINING 13th Oct, 2016 Erica Cattle Kate Hufton
WHY ARE YOU HERE? Activity 1 – please discuss (5 mins)
Aims of the session To familiarise you with the Training & assessment Toolkit and the National Mentor standards. To know and understand the Teachers’ standards for teaching. To gain an overview of the programmes at UEL To gain an understanding of what is required of you as a mentor To gain an understanding of the documentation schedule for the year To answer any questions you may have!
Mentor standards ( July 2016 ) They are divided into four separate but related areas: MS 1- Personal qualities MS 2 – Teaching MS3 – Professionalism MS4 – Self development & working in partnership (refer to handbook)
OUR PROGRAMMES School Direct Salaried Programme (SDS) Whole academic year Paid member of staff School based training Supported & verified by UEL Main placement school 4 week experience in 2nd school Achieve QTS Postgraduate Certificate of Education (PGCE) School Direct (SD) 36 weeks University based training Subject & whole school input Supported & verified by UEL Two contrasting placements 12 week placements * Achieve QTS & academic qualification
Skills tests 2016 -17 cohort All trainees – (SDS/SD/PGCE) will have passed Literacy & Numeracy Skills tests before commencing their training programmes.
Support for trainees during the programme At UEL Subject tutors Director of Secondary Admin Team SU/Student Services In School Professional Coordinating Mentor Subject Mentor
Achieving QTS/PGCE School Direct Salaried Programme (SDS) Pass school experience Meet QTS standards Pass Assignment Professional/Postgraduate Certificate of Education (PGCE) School Direct (SD) Pass both placements Meet QTS standards Pass 3 assignments
The Professional Standards …. the award of Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) Same as teachers on the main scale
New standards 2012 Single set of standards for all teachers 8 standards for teaching
QTS STANDARDS Part 1 – Teaching - 8 categories Part 2 : Personal & Professional conduct
Teachers’ standards TS1 - Set high expectations which inspire, motivate and challenge pupils. TS2 – Promote good progress and outcomes by pupils TS3 – Demonstrate good subject and curriculum knowledge TS4 – Plan and teach well structured lessons
Teachers’ standards contd .. TS5 – Adapt teaching to respond to the strengths and needs of all pupils. TS6 - Make accurate and productive use of assessment. TS7 – Manage behaviour effectively to ensure a good and safe learning environment. TS8 – Fulfil wider professional responsibilities.
PART TWO: Personal and professional conduct - treating pupils with dignity, building relationships rooted in mutual respect, and at all times observing proper boundaries appropriate to a teacher’s professional position - having regard for the need to safeguard pupils’ well-being, in accordance with statutory provisions - showing tolerance of and respect for the rights of others - not undermining fundamental British values, including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs - ensuring that personal beliefs are not expressed in ways which exploit pupils’ vulnerability or might lead them to break the law - Teachers must have proper and professional regard for the ethos, policies and practices of the school in which they teach - Teachers must maintain high standards of attendance - Teachers must maintain high standards of punctuality - Teachers must have an understanding of, and always act within, the statutory frameworks which set out their professional duties and responsibilities
TASK Using the “ bookmarks” provided: - Think about possible evidence for the standards. Which standards would be hard to find evidence for? BREAK – then toolkit
Activity 2 Consider what you need to do to prepare them prior to starting their block practice.
Development of the trainee over the year…. The common stages.!!!! Early idealism Survival Recognising difficulties The plateau Moving on Reading /theorising (putting their own experiences into wider contexts)
Supporting your trainee In groups ,suggest ways in which you can support trainees through each phase .
Responsibilities of the Mentor WEEKLY MEETINGS SUPPORT TARGET SETTING FORMAL OBSERVATIONS Refer to Assessment Toolkit for specific roles CONTACTING UEL REPORT WRITING Targets; Pedagogy rather than a tick list of things to do – is it effective questionning / instruction giving etc. Targets must be Achievable, realistic and timebound
Responsibilities of the PCM PROF. STUDIES LIAISON 1 FORMAL OBS. PER HALF-TERM Refer to Assessment Toolkit for specific roles MONITORING SUPERVISE REPORT WRITING Targets; Pedagogy rather than a tick list of things to do – is it effective questionning / instruction giving etc. Targets must be Achievable, realistic and timebound 20
UNIVERSITY OBSERVATIONS SDS– 6 BY UNI PGCE/SD– 4 BY UNI Timetables to Uni ASAP Encourage trainees to check calendar 2/3 hour process, including documentation check. Joint observations 1st obs will be focus on mentor – are they ok with doc etc… Q’s on docs etc.
SCHOOL OBSERVATIONS PGCE/SD - Should have member of staff in all lessons Once every 2 weeks Must submit 3 formal observations per half term for PGCE/SD and 2 per half term for SDS School experience report Standardisation SDSSE report 1 per term + 6 obs PGCE /SD SE report 1 per half term of experience (Dec/Feb/Mar/May) Informal notes needed for each lesson to help progression.
PGCE/SD - Oct – December - 30% - 4 days Timetabling PGCE/SD - Oct – December - 30% - 4 days Jan – February – 50 % - 5 days Feb – April – 50 % - 5 days April - May - 60% - 5 days
Timetabling SDS 25% Term 1 50% Term 2 80 / 90% Term 3
DOCUMENTATION –all on Mentor wiki Assessment Toolkit Secondary School based training handbook(PGCE/SD) Secondary SDS programme handbook Formal observation forms Reports – SBT1 Teaching profile – SBT1 and SBT2 School Based Training Plans Weekly Training Plans Standards Tracker Mentor wiki - Mentor wiki has copies – Mentors need to be shown this site and documentation explained to them.
School based training … Pre/post session tasks in Subject programme guide Training plan activities Directed tasks Observation of colleagues Use Weekly Training Plan to log progress, set targets and record mentor meetings Overview of Core sessions at UEL – subject mentors may also provide subject session overviews. Check your subject page on Mentor wiki Example of completed formal observation summary WTP records the mentor meeting – you don’t need to write! Just sign
Weekly Training Plans Review progress and set targets Track progress towards completion of training plan Allows for variation/additions to training plan Targets may be longer term Example WTP
Stress Points - Highs Early progress reports by mentor – style of report tends to look for strong points – confidence booster Reaching end of first term Response to successful lessons Taking on responsibility for managing own lessons Liaising with other trainees on the course – important on social level & to vent frustrations & celebrate successes Successful observations by UEL tutor Participating in extra curricular activities Parents’ evenings Stress the positives at this time…
Stress points - Lows Preparation for assessment as well as juggling HEI based work such as assignments Initial insecurity about not knowing pupils/school Coming back in January to new term & challenges Pressure of marking increases gradually during placement A lot of energy put into production of resources often not maximised Transition to more lessons & more difficult classes Mentor not always finding time for trainee – trainee feels guilty for making demands Job hunting – nervous wait Can spend hours doing presentations but not teaching them anything – need to manage time… Arrange a time to meet and discuss issues – each day if poss.
OBSERVATIONS - BEFORE THE LESSON Meet the teacher for a few minutes Understand context (syllabus/NC) objectives & the stages of the session Agree purpose & focus of your observation how you’re going to be introduced how you’ll behave permission for any interaction
Observing & giving feedback Hand out coaching materials
QUESTIONS ? Give out evaluations.
Mentor wiki task We want all of our Mentors to feel confident about using & navigating the wiki so we have set you a few tasks: Have fun !!
Many thanks for coming today. We hope that you have found it useful Many thanks for coming today. We hope that you have found it useful. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about being a Mentor.