LANDFORMS What is a landform? L.O. To recognise different landforms. LANDFORMS What is a landform? It is a natural feature on the Earth’s surface.
L.O. To recognise different landforms. Photo courtesy of jimmyharris ( - granted under creative commons licence - attribution
L.O. To recognise different landforms. Photo courtesy of Jeff Attaway ( - granted under creative commons licence - attribution
L.O. To recognise different landforms. Photo courtesy of nerdmeister ( - granted under creative commons licence - attribution
L.O. To recognise different landforms. Photo courtesy of dsearls ( - granted under creative commons licence - attribution
L.O. To recognise different landforms. Photo courtesy of Grand Canyon NPS ( - granted under creative commons licence - attribution
L.O. To recognise different landforms. Photo courtesy of Pavel KoraxDC Kazachkov ( - granted under creative commons licence - attribution
Hill A hill is a rounded piece of earth. L.O. To recognise different landforms. Hill A hill is a rounded piece of earth.
Cliff L.O. To recognise different landforms. Cliff
L.O. To recognise different landforms. Valley
L.O. To recognise different landforms. Sea
L.O. To identify the main landforms in the UAE. All around the world we can see different landforms. It is a natural physical feature.
Desert L.O. To identify the main landforms in the UAE. Desert
Island Stop at after 45s. L.O. To identify the main landforms in the UAE. Stop at after 45s. Island
Mountain L.O. To identify the main landforms in the UAE. Mountain
Oasis L.O. To identify the main landforms in the UAE. Oasis
Wetland L.O. To identify the main landforms in the UAE. Wetland