Updating the Certificate of Vision Impairment and revising the Explanatory Notes
The aim is to make the CVI process more effective to ensure that people who are newly certified as sight impaired or severely sight impaired receive the support they need as soon as possible
Updating the CVI/Revising the ENs Examined updated CVI forms for Wales and Scotland and existing form for England Presentations and discussions on draft documents with the ADASS PSI Network Discussion on draft documents with colleagues at the VISION 2020 Certificate of Vision Impairment Round Table event Consideration at The RCOphth Professional Standards Committee and Paediatric sub-committee Presentation and discussion with 70 ECLOs
Main proposed changes Updating outdated and incorrect information Making it more relevant to adults and children Re-writing ‘Information for patients’ Omitting work test and re-defining visual disability in terms of level of visual acuity and visual field deficit
Consultation and suggested amendments Public consultation between 16 November 2016 and 3 January 2017 General changes to make form more accessible Amending contact details etc. Part 1 of NHS accessible information standard Less impersonal and more positive Patient consent Further improving information sheet for patients
Proposed key messages Emphasising that the most important function of the CVI is to ensure that those diagnosed with permanent vision loss are put in contact with sources of help. Ensuring full completion and the need to send it to the person’s local council in a timely manner so they can support them in the most appropriate way Highlighting the importance of the role of ECLOs Highlighting that registration can be a positive step to help a person to be as independent as possible Highlighting that there is a range of support available to people from the voluntary sector
Next Steps Updated CVI form and Explanatory Notes in final draft Seeking Ministerial approval post Election Finalising a Communications Plan Examining how the information booklet can be disseminated to every person certified in England