Endangered Species
What is an Endangered Species? Endangered species are species of plants or animals that are so few in numbers, or declining so quickly that they may soon become extinct.
Extinct? An animal or plant is considered extinct when no members of the species or family are in exsistance. The entire species has died out. Remember the dinosaurs?
How do animals become Endangered? Hunting, trapping, and poisoning to protect livestock. Over harvesting is currently threatening species worldwide. A large number of species are threatened by introduced species or exotics, as well as the by development of land.
Do you know any Endangered Animals found in North America? Here are a few…
Choose an Endangered Species The next several slides will introduce you to just a few of the Endangered Species in our world. As we go through these slides together, you may choose one of these endangered species you would like to learn more about. Write down the name of the species. You will need it later. Enjoy the Species Show!
Manatees in Blue Springs, Florida (video) There are currently three species of manatees on the “red list:” The Amazonian Manatee, The West African Manatee, and the West Indian Manatee, which in native to the south eastern United States, especially Florida. The last aerial survey of the Florida manatee population was done in January, 2009. The survey showed a population count of 3,807 manatees. Although this is a promising indicator of the manatees’ recovery, continued efforts must be made to save the species. Manatees in Blue Springs, Florida (video)
In 2008, in the state of Florida alone, 99 manatees were killed by collisions with watercraft!! As a result, many manatee calves die, as well, because of the loss of their mothers!
Owls 2 types of owls found in North America are on the endangered species list. Still others are considered threatened.
Owls Mexican Spotted Owl Date First Listed: April 15, 1993 Northern Spotted Owl Date First Listed: June 26, 1990 Cactus Ferruginous Pygmy Owl Date First Listed: March 10, 1997
There are at least 7 different species of wild cats of North and Central America on the Endangered Species List.
CATS Once found here in the United States (California, New Mexico, Arizona, Texas, Florida), this cat was hunted to extinction here in the late 1940s. Today, it is found in Mexico, but swiftly declining and Central America, and the strongest populations being found in Brazil; The Pantanal, Bolivia and Paraguay, Mexico, Guatemala, and Belize. Currently, there are 292 jaguars known to be living in the wild. Jaguar
O C E L O T Once found in many areas of southern North America, Central America and much of South America - today the animal has almost disappeared form its range in the southern states of North America are threatened by the conversion of large areas of plains into farm land - it is reported that as few as 120 ocelot survive in Texas today. In Central America and the northern countries of South America, the ocelot is still to be found in forested areas but is at risk through hunting for its fur and also through trapping for the pet trade.
Florida Panther Originally from western Texas and throughout the southeastern states; now found only in Florida. Habitat loss because of human development and population growth, collision with vehicles, parasites, feline distemper, feline calicivirus (an upper respiratory infection), and other diseases. Population: Only 50 to 70 individuals survive today.
Cougar populations are vanishing from large areas throughout the Western Hemisphere. As humans move into established cougar territories for agricultural and residential purposes, negative human/cougar encounters increase. Cougars consider livestock and pet animals as prey. Cougar attacks escalate as humans build homes and recreate in once remote cougar habitat. As a result, these predators are increasingly viewed as dangerous pests that must be exterminated. To control their numbers, some states allow cougars to be legally hunted with the use of dogs. The removal of cougars, however, has a detrimental effect on nature’s intricate balance. Where cougars are eliminated, populations of prey animals (such as deer) expand. As prey numbers increase, limited vegetation is soon overgrazed. As adequate food supplies diminish, deer and other prey animals starve at massive levels. At the human level, animals that were once eaten by cougars and other predators destroy crops. Puma
Date First Listed: March 24, 2000 Lynx There is 1 lynx species of North America on the Endangered Species List Canada Lynx Date First Listed: March 24, 2000
Bears There are currently 2 bear species on the endangered species list Mexican Grizzly Bear Date First Listed: June 2, 1970 Black Bear Date First Listed: January 7, 1992
Wolves There are currently 2 wolf species on the endangered species list Gray Wolf Date First Listed: March 11, 1967
Wolves Red Wolf Date First Listed: March 11, 1967 Mexican Wolf
Date First Listed: June 2, 1970 Whales There are 7 whale species of North America on the Endangered Species List The Blue Whale Date First Listed: June 2, 1970
Seals There are 3 seal species of North America on the Endangered Species List The Hawaiian Monk Seal Date First Listed: Nov. 23, 1976
Date First Listed: Sept. 25, 1975 Crocodile There is 1 crocodile species of North America on the Endangered Species List American Crocodile Date First Listed: Sept. 25, 1975
Ferret Black-Footed Ferret Date First Listed: March 11, 1967 There is 1 ferret species of North America on the Endangered Species List Black-Footed Ferret Date First Listed: March 11, 1967
There are two species of North America on the Endangered Species List Falcon There are two species of North America on the Endangered Species List Peregrine Falcon Date First Listed: Aug. 25, 1999
Date First Listed: June 2, 1970 Prairie Dog There is 1 prairie dog species of North America on the Endangered Species List Mexican Prairie Dog Date First Listed: June 2, 1970
Sea Otter There is 1 sea otter species of North America on the Endangered Species List Southern Sea Otter Date First Listed: Jan. 14, 1977
Date First Listed: July 28, 1978 Sea Turtle There are 5 species turtles of North America on the Endangered Species List Green Sea Turtle Date First Listed: July 28, 1978
Swift Fox There are 5 fox species of North America on the Endangered Species List Swift Fox Date First Listed: June 2, 1970
Help Save Our Endangered Species You have just met a few of the endangered species in our world. Next, you will research the species you are interested in and report back to the class about your species. Enjoy your quest!
Resources www. npca. org www. bigcatrescue. org www. savethemanatee Resources www.npca.org www.bigcatrescue.org www.savethemanatee.org http://www.ifaw.org http://www.kidsplanet.org/