The Teaching of SRE
What is SRE? Sex and relationships education is learning about the emotional, social and physical aspects of growing up, sex and relationships. Some aspects are taught in science, and others are taught mainly as part of personal, social, health and economic education (PSHE). It is a partnership between home and school.
Why teach it at primary school? High quality SRE helps create safe school communities in which pupils can grow, learn, and develop positive, healthy behaviour for life. It is essential for the following reasons: Children and young people want to be prepared for the physical and emotional changes they undergo at puberty, and young people want to learn about relationships. SRE plays a vital part in meeting schools’ safeguarding obligations. Schools maintain a statutory obligation under the Children Act (2004) to promote their pupils’ wellbeing, and under the Education Act (1996) to prepare children and young people for the challenges, opportunities and responsibilities of adult life. A comprehensive SRE programme can have a positive impact on pupils’ health and wellbeing and their ability to achieve, and can play a crucial part in meeting these obligations.
What will we cover? The delivery of this programme will be flexible and it will be delivered through: Age appropriate resources at stages throughout KS1 and KS2 Planned aspects of science/PSHCE/PE and computing Class discussions or circle time The occasional visit from the school nurse Pupils will be given opportunities to ask questions and they will be responded to, as deemed appropriate at the time or at a later date
Growing Up with Yasmine & Tom Journey
Modules Module 1 (Ages 5 – 7) Year 1 & Year 2 - Please see the curriculum coverage to see which modules fall within each phase/year group. - Short sessions (25-40 minutes) that provide a progressive approach to the teaching of SRE.
What happens if I want to withdraw my child from SRE? A letter will be sent home before the teaching of certain units. Parents have the right to withdraw their children from all or part of SRE (excluding withdrawal from National Curriculum science, Year 5 & Year 6). Alternative arrangements can be made for your child. If necessary, some materials may be provided to support your child at home.