Biomes of the World Section 20-1
What is a biome? A biome Is a group of ecosystems with similar climates and organisms There are 6 major terrestrial biomes in the world Temperate/Deciduous forest Coniferous Forest – (Taiga/Boreal) Tropical Rainforest Grassland Desert Tundra
Temperate/Deciduous Forest Location: North-Central and South-East U.S. Central Europe Eastern Asia Southeast Canada
Temperate/Deciduous Forest Climate Temperature Between -30C and 30C That is -22F and 89F Precipitation Between 75 and 150 cm a year
Temperate/Deciduous Forest - plants Oak Hickory Chestnut
Temperate/Deciduous Forest - animals
Coniferous (Boreal/Taiga Forest) Location Northwestern Canada Western Russia Northern North America North Eurasia Alaska
Taiga Climate Temp. Extremely cold Between -40C and 20C That is -40F and 68F Precip. 30 – 90 cm of rain a year Taiga
Taiga Plants
Taiga Animals
Tropical Rainforest Location: Near the equator South America: Brazil, Venezuela, Peru Asia Indonesia, Philippines Africa Zaire, Kenya, Madagascar Australia
Tropical Rainforest Climate: Temperature Mild (medium) temperatures Between 20°C and 25°C That is 65°F and 77°F Precipitation Extremely wet 200 to 1000 cm of rain a year! Average monthly rainfall and temperature in the rainforest area of Manaus, Brazil.
Tropical Rainforest - Plants Tropical Rainforest - Plants Carnivorous Plants – adapted to get nutrients from other organisms Epiphytes – plants that do not grown on the ground Bromeliads – leaves form a bowl shape in the middle to collect rainwater Vines – thick, woody stems to support themselves
Tropical Rainforest - Animals Spider Monkey Toucan Poison-Arrow Sloth Frog
Grasslands Location: Argentina Australia Central North America New Zealand South Africa
Grasslands Climate Temp. Between -16C and 34C That is 3F and 93F Precip. Between 50 and 130 cm of rain a year
Types of Grasslands Savanna Chaparral Scrublands Steppe Pampas Prairies
Grassland Plants
Grassland Animals
Desert Location North America Arizona, Nevada, California Australia South America Arabian Peninsula Africa
Desert Climate Temp. Precip. Between -4C and 38C That is 25F and 100F Less than 25 cm a year
Desert Plants
Desert Animals
Tundra Location Antartica North Pole North Canada Alaska
Tundra Climate Temp. Extremely cold Between -40C and 18C That is -40F and 64F Precip. Less than 25 cm per year The tundra is a cold desert!! Tundra
Tundra Plants
Tundra Animals
Marine (Oceans) Location All major bodies of salt water Atlantic Pacific Indian Arctic
Marine Temperatures vary depending on depth of the water Between 0C and 22C Which is 32F to 72F
Marine Plants
Marine Animals
Sargasso Sea