Don’t become a statistic Welding Safety Don’t become a statistic
Electrical Don’t form part of the circuit
Electrical Moisture increases the risk of electrocution Damp gloves Moist arm pits Confined spaces make you sweat
Electrical Check leads and hand pieces regularly for damage
Electrical Tag dangerous machines
Ventilation Fluxes in Oxy-Acetylene processes -> fumes Electrodes -> fumes Coatings - zinc, paint, chromium etc
Ventilation MIG gases are heavier than air and fill up a confined space
Ventilation Respirators
Ventilation Exhaust ventilation Separate air supplies to welder Permanent Portable Separate air supplies to welder Remove dangerous coatings prior to welding
Fire Hazards Butane cigarette lighters Flammable materials Paint Fuels – petrol, methylated spirits, turps Rags Wood shavings
Fire Hazards Move flammables 10 m or cover
Noise Hazards Hammering Grinding Air-Arc Gouging Plasma Cutting and Gouging Reduce by Ear muffs, sound screens and rooms, less time
Eye Protection Worst Scenario – blindness Welding Helmet Electric Arc Lens Shades Shade Amp Range 10 100 – 200 11 200 – 300 12 300 – 400 13 > 400 MIG & TIG one shade darker
Eye Protection Wear protection when grinding, cutting or drilling.
Body protection Safety Boots Wool or cotton socks Spats and gaiters Overalls Leather Apron Jacket Gloves
Heights Use scaffolding over 3 m. Wear safety harness in unsafe conditions.