Poland Gorlice
About Gorlice Gorlice is a city and actually an urban municipality is south-east of Poland with an over 29.000 inhabitants. It is situated south east of Krakow and south of Tarnów between Jasło and Nowy Sącz in the Lesser Poland Voivodeship (since 1999), previously in Nowy Sącz Voivodeship (1975–1998). It is the capital of Gorlice County.
The Geography Gorlice city lies between the Ropa and Sękówka river valleys, sorrounded by several mountain ranges of the Carpathian Mountains, namely their part called Beskid Niski massive.
The History Gorlice was founded during the reign of Casimir the Great in 1354 by German settlers from Görlitz. At that time, the part of Lesser Poland was sparsely populatedd, mostly by the Walddeutsche. Gorlice and its existence was mentioned in sources from 1388, 1404 and 1417. The town quickly developed, becoming a regional center of crafts and trade.
Population In the mid of 19th century, the population of Gorlice was some 4000. The town entered the period of its prosperity after its resident Ignacy Lukasiewicz invented kerosene lamp. By early 20th century, the population of Gorlice grew at about 6000, but its development was halted by World War One.
Poland and its Polish Scientists Poland has some scientists. Polish Astronomers: Franciszek Armiński Albert Brudzewski Nicolaus Copernicus Władysław Dziewulski Michał Falkener Jan Gadomski Johannes Hevelius Wilhelmina Iwanowska Roman Juszkiewicz Felicjan Kępiński
About some scientists Franciszek Armiński was a Polish astronomer. He was maths teacher at the University of Warsaw and director of the Astronomical Observatory from the Park Łazienki. For his services brought in the Polish culture, he was decorated in 1824 with “The Ordin St. Stanislaus”. From a decision of the International Astronomical Union, a crater from the Moon its named after his name.
About some scientists Albert Brudzewski was a Polish astronomer, mathematician, philosopher and diplomat. A major accomplishment of Albert;s was his modernisation of the teaching of astronomy by introducing the most up-to-date texts.
About Some Scientists Nicolaus Copernicus was a Renaissance mathematician and astronomer who formulated a model of the universe that placed the Sun rather than the Earth at the center of the universe. He was a polyglot and polymath who obtained a doctorate in canon law and also practiced as a physician, classics scholar, translator, governor, diplomat and economist.
Did You Know? Nikolaus Copernicus, the Polish astronomer was the first who suggested that the Earth isn’t in the center of the Universe, how it was thought then. In some parts f Poland, the day’s name is important than birthday. Sometimes it is celebrated also the name’s day, not just birthday. Poland has several capitals like: Gniezno, Poznan, Cracovia and Warsaw was the most known, the last one being the actual capital. If we can count all the Nobel Prizez from the Polish Scientists we have 17 Nobel Prizez, 4 for Peace and 5 for Literature.
Did You Know? Poland’s national day is on 11 November and they celebrate the comemoration of the right state from Poland, after 123 years when he was divided in Russia, Prusia and Habsburgic Empire. Poland is considered a part of Eastern Europe, because of the comunist past, but, geographical say, the country is find in the Center of Europe. Marie Curie was born in Poland. She moved in Paris, where she engaged with Pierre Curie and togheter they found POLONIUM (PO), named after her mother’s country and the RADIUM (RA).
Polish Gastronomy The food is rich in meat, specially pork, chicken and beef, winter vegatables and condiments. In general, in polish gastronomy is frequently used eggs and cream. The food is hard to prepare, so that, the polish people give a several hours to prepare the entine food, they put a lot of accent on the traditional food. The main meal might be eaten at abut 2 PM or later, tottaly different from another countries.
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