Faculty Senate (FS) Agenda October 17, 2017, 3:30 p. m Faculty Senate (FS) Agenda October 17, 2017, 3:30 p.m. Senate Chambers: Holloway Hall 119 http://www.salisbury.edu/campusgov/facsenate/ 1. Welcome/Introductions - (0) 2. Approval of Minutes: October 3, 2017 Regular Senate Meeting (File) - (5)
3. Announcements from the Senate President - (10) Faculty Senators and Adjunct Faculty Coccus group meeting with Chancellor Caret on October 19th, Thursday 10 -10:45AM in the JD-E Faculty Lounge, in GAC. Presidents office –> refreshments and setup. Progress summary by CHHS Ad hoc committee (file sent to you for your feedback) Senate Committee At Large Vacancies, Fall 2017 About 75 Faculty attended the 1st “Faculty Friday,” held on October 6th, next will be on December 8th. JDE Faculty Center getting a very good use: example: Last Friday October 13, 2017, four committees were meeting at 8:00 PM. Meeting with Chancellor will happen there.
4. Remarks from Interim Provost Karen Olmstead- (15) Admissions Portfolio and National Rankings Digital Catalog Management System Emergency planning for off-campus experiences New Student Reader General Education discussion Upcoming events: Building Research Excellence Awards
4. Remarks from Interim Provost Karen Olmstead- ……continued 2. Teaching Excellence ‘Roundtables’ (limited to 15-20 participants) Classroom instruction Out-of-Classroom instruction Instruction at a distance Interdisciplinary Instruction 3. Center for Teaching Excellence (including instructional technology support)
5. Unfinished Business (25) Membership and Election Committee bylaw change proposal modified (8/27/2017) to include a vote (refer to website) Motion: Vote:
6. New Business - Faculty Only? (85) Motion/keeping house in order: Shall we make this discussion faculty only or open to administrators also? Motion, Second, Vote Come up with a list of questions for the chancellor and assign questions to senators to ask? To get real answer, shall we share general question areas with the Chancellor before we meet him?
6a. Faculty Senate readiness to Meeting With the Chancellor: What do we expect to accomplish when we meet with the Chancellor? What vision does the Chancellor have for the University? What knowledge/ skills/attributes do we need from the president? Solid academician vs dynamic outsider iv. What SU strength do we want to publicize and make us attractive?
6. New Business - (85) … Continued v. What questions do we expect the chancellor to address? Timeline? Search Process? Search Committee formation and composition? Search firm utilization: recruit and screen diverse candidates?
7. Other Business? (90) FWC?