Parts exchange for HL-LHC AUP Q1&Q3 Cold mass parts expected from CERN as discussed by Paolo in NAPA: 316LN plates End covers Cold bore tube (TE-VSC) Heat exchanger tube NbTi cables 18kA busbars Temperature sensors (TE-CRG) N-lines (TBC) Instrumentation wires (TBC) Other components? Interconnection Bellows Flexible hose Cryo Heaters (TE-CRG) Fibre Feedthroughs Supports
Design Procurement Remarks 316LN plates Q1&Q3 11m x 1.4m x 8mm Q2A&B 10m x 1.4m x 8mm Drawing to be done Specification (Tech. Sheet 700, EDMS1531078) MS 4313 IT to be launched on week 30 3 qualified candidates: (Industeel, Boehler and ThyssenKrupp) Order for 12 plates (10m) DAI6602241 for MQXFB magnet prototype and pre-series Order for 8 shells shaping and machining (10m) DAI6755287 for MQXFB magnet prototype and pre-series Plates for US collaboration (11m) are placed as an option in the MS Shells for Q1 &Q3 to be to be shaped and machined in the US End covers On going FEM calculations on going Final interconnection design to be finished and approved Most probably forged but casting and powder metallurgy might be considered Update of LHC IT-2500 End covers for the MQXFB magnet prototype made out of cold formed heads equipped with welded nozzles Design by the end of Nov. 2017 Launch proc. process Jan. 2018 Heat exchanger tube Done Update of LHC IT-2556 Soldering and EB welding at CERN One single standard LHC heat exchanger tube (Ø54/58) will be used MQXFB magnet prototype Design by the end of Aug. 2017 Launch proc. process Oct. 2018 NbTi cables 48m required per cold mass Requirements passed to SCD section by Ezio Busbar stabilisation obtained by doubling the cable section Interfaces for the interconnections still have to de designed and developed
Design Procurement Remarks N-lines On going Final interconnection design to be finished and approved Update of LHC IT-2859 MB spare tubes could be used for the first assemblies Design by the end of Nov. 2017 Launch proc. process Jan. 2018 Standard 304L or 316L should be used Ø50/53 might be replaced by Ø50/54 Instrumentation wires Quantity and location to be define Today only one suppler: AXON see 1082662 (radiation hardness) On the shelve references might be order directly to Axon’ Cable Inc Cold bore tube (TE-VSC) Done Drawing done, length to be adjusted according to the needs Specification MS IT to be launched in Oct 2017 1 qualified candidate and 2 potential suppliers Cold bore tube for MQXFB magnet prototype is already at CERN Temperature sensors (TE-CRG) Location in the cold mass to be define with CRG, could be screwed to the Aluminium shell Cover Flange (if local instrumentation feedthroughs are located on the vacuum vessel) Will start after instrumentation scheme ha been agreed Closely linked to the instrumentation feed box (IFS) design