Explorers have the best adventures!


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Presentation transcript:

Explorers have the best adventures! PSHCE PE Learn new rules and routines of school How we treat people and make them feel welcome. Sharing our opinions and sharing our own personal views. Taking part in group and whole class discussions. How we different and how we the same. How we can stay safe. How we can look after our wildlife? UNITED REAL PE sessions focussing on key skills such hopping, skipping and side stepping. Dance – creating dances inspired by woodland and nature. The focus will be on creating simple sequences that use different floor patterns and levels. Asking questions about things we are interested in. Organising and grouping information so that we can use it to help us answer a question. Gathering information and ideas to answer questions we have raised. Making predictions and explaining why we think this. Creating and testing hypothesis to find out our own answers. Following a line of enquiry to reach a conclusion. Maths Count read and write numbers to 100. Add and subtract 1 digit and 2 digit numbers to 20. Recognise and name common 2D and 3D shapes. Recognise and know the value of all coins and notes. Know the days of the week and months of the year. To tell o’clock and half past times. Read and write mathematical symbols +, - and = Recognise, find and name a half and quarter. English Writing their own firework poem. Reading and exploring ‘The Gruffalo’ and writing letters to him. Investigating and writing about the weather and seasons. Writing instructions for a season’s soup. Exploring information books about different animals, habitats and explorers. Writing fantasy winter wonderland stories. Writing an information posters about woodland animals. Music Explorers have the best adventures! To learn and sing Christmas Carols sing songs and speak chants and rhymes To listen to and discuss a range of music Arts and Design Science To look at colour, shape and texture. Create observational drawings animals in the exploration zone. Create imaginative drawings of fantasy creatures. History/Geography Identify and name animals and plants in a variety of different habitats such as the desert, rainforest, artic and the ocean. Sort and group animals according to features. Identify and name diets of common animals. Firework experiment using paint to create a firework mural. Observe the weather and create a weather forecast. Investigate seasonal changes. Santa’s elf science missions. To look at different types of habitats around the world To find out about seasonal and daily weather in the United Kingdom