Quality of Life in a City
Mercer´s cities rankings
Mercer´s cities rankings
Mercer´s cities rankings
Mercer´s cities rankings
Mercer´s cities rankings Political and social environment Economic environment Socio-cultural environment Medical and health considerations Schools and education Public services and transportation Recreation Consumer goods Housing Natural environment
Numbeo.com statistics
Numbeo.com statistics Banja Luka Sarajevo Purchasing Power Index Low 54.38 Low 52.08 Safety Index High 73.07 Moderate 51.00 Health Care Index Moderate 49.54 High 63.91 Climate Index High 77.52 High 69.18 Cost of Living Index Very Low 35.32 Very Low 37.33 Property Price to Income Ratio High 12.84 High 12.66 Traffic Commute Time Index Very Low 24.40 Low 26.18 Pollution Index Moderate 49.36 High 65.24 __________________________________________________________________ Quality of Life Index Very High 151.85 High 129.78
HDI / HPI index Life expectancy Education level Income per capita (GDP)
HDI / HPI index