Aim: Students will be able to see what role frustration plays in the book. Do Now: 1) Correct this sentence: Today, I, went, to, the, store, and, bought, a, new, shirt. 2) Do you associate poor grammar/spelling with lack of intelligence and inferiority? Why or why not?
A question to ponder… Would you want someone with poor grammar to teach you?
Annie, Helen’s tutor, is still learning…. Annie is always looking in the dictionary to find out how words are spelled, what words mean, and how to use them. Annie originally writes that her mind is disinterested, before realizing that undisciplined is the word she was looking for (p.87).
Annie, Helen’s tutor is still learning…. Annie is still trying to learn to not only be able to fully express herself (ie: her frustration with her own shortcomings), but to be able to better help Helen!
Annie, Helen’s tutor, is still learning…. Annie’s writing contains many errors in punctuation. “I, feel, everyday, more, and, more, inadequate.” (p.85) “If, only, there, were, someone, to, help, me, I, need, a, teacher, as, much, as, Helen-” (p.86)
A Question to Ponder… Is it more important to know how to spell a word, what a word means, or how to use a word in a sentence?
When it comes to a word, you must: 1) Know how to spell a word. 2) Know what a word means. 3) Know how to use a word in a sentence. Only through these three things can you say you truly understand a word.
Group Activity: 1) List 5 things that frustrate you. 2) Put these five things in order of most frustrating: Failing a class by 1 point. Losing you bf/gf to your best friend. Losing your mother/father. Losing your paycheck. Losing your best friend. (Number 1 being the most frustrating, while number 5 is the least frustrating)
Question to Ponder…. What determines frustration?
Frustration: Frustration levels are determined by the amount of time spent on something/someone and how important that something/someone is to you. The more time you spend on something/someone, the more frustrated you will be when the situation or the relationship goes awry. The more important something/someone is to you, the more frustrated you will be when the situation or the relationship goes awry.
Annie is frustrated! Annie sits Haggard at the table (p.85) Mentions feeling inadequate, in need of discipline because of her inability to completely get through to Helen. She has taught Helen words, but wants Helen to know what these words mean. Feels Helen has learned obedience and repetition of patterns, not yet reached language acquisition.
Annie is frustrated! Annie has gotten Helen to: use spoon, eat out of own plate, fold napkin, Stay clean, Knit, String beads. In two weeks, but wants another week!
Annie is frustrated! Annie feels that it is crucial for her to have another week and her progress might be in danger if she isn’t given more time!
Question to Ponder.…. Would you give Annie another week? Why or why not?
Question to Ponder…. How do Kate and Arthur differ when it comes to dealing with Helen being away for two weeks?
Kate: She misses her daughter! Almost two weeks have passed and Kate is having difficulty eating. Says she doesn’t have an appetite and is restless. Says the two weeks weren’t short.
Kate: Upon hearing Annie wanting another week, Kate says “no.” Flat out says “I want her back” (p.93) and harshly says “Let her come” (p.93) when she is standing at the door, interrupting Annie, who is trying to teach her how to spell “mother.”
Arthur: Enjoys the quiet. Appreciates what Annie has done so far and doesn’t think anything more needs to be taught. Sees that his wife wants Helen back and views this as the way mothers tend to be. He wants the child back to appease her. “A mother loses a-protector”(p.85) “Haven’t you enough feeling to imagine what Kate has been undergoing, ever since-” (p.84)
Arthur: Doesn’t really miss Helen. Never says he messes Helen, just acknowledges his wife does and sympathizes with her.
Question to Ponder… Now that Kate and Arthur are reunited with Helen and living once again under the same roof, will Helen go back to the way she was?
Homework Read pages 97-112.
Vocabulary: 1) Ruefully: Regretfully. 2) Papist: Disparaging term for Roman Catholic. 3) Bountiful: Plentiful.
In Conclusion…. When someone is frustrated, it can show both inside and out. Their actions and reactions to the outside world are affected. Unlike jealousy, the best way to deal with frustration is to confront it, to directly deal with whatever is the cause of the frustration.