So sagt man das! Expressing likes and dislikes Kapitel 2-Stufe 2 So sagt man das! Expressing likes and dislikes
To find out what someone likes or doesn’t like to do, you ask: What do you like to do, Ahmet?
To find out what someone likes or doesn’t like to do, you ask: What do you like to do, Ahmet? Was machst du gern, Ahmet?
Ich spiele gern Fuβball. The response might be: I like to play soccer. Ich spiele gern Fuβball.
You ask: Do you like to swim? Schwimmst du gern?
The response: No, not so much. Nein, nicht so gern.
You ask: Steffi, Tara, was macht ihr gern? Steffi, Tara, what do you like to do? Steffi, Tara, was macht ihr gern?
The response: We really like to swim. Wir schwimmen sehr gern.
To talk about what others like to do, you say: Tara and Steffi like to swim. Tara und Steffi schwimmen gern.
To talk about what others like to do, you say: They like to swim. Sie schwimmen gern.