[Insert Document Title Here] [IEEE 802.16 Mentor Presentation Template (Rev. 0)] Document Number: [According to the format “IEEE 802.16-YY-#####-RR-FFFF”, per <http://ieee802.org/16/submit.html>.] Date Submitted: [The date this revision of the document is uploaded, in the format 2012-01-01. Tell the truth. Automatic numbering is prohibited] Source: [Author Name] Voice: [Telephone Number (optional)] [Affiliation*] E-mail: [email address (recommended)] [Address Line 1 (optional)] [Address Line 2 (optional)] *<http://standards.ieee.org/faqs/affiliationFAQ.html> Re: [Cite the specific document number of the appropriate Call for Contributions, the ballot number, etc.] Base Contribution: [If this presentation accompanies a base 802.16 contribution, cite its document number.] Purpose: [Description of what specific action is requested of the 802.16 Working Group or subgroup.] Notice: This document does not represent the agreed views of the IEEE 802.16 Working Group or any of its subgroups. It represents only the views of the participants listed in the “Source(s)” field above. It is offered as a basis for discussion. It is not binding on the contributor(s), who reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Copyright Policy: The contributor is familiar with the IEEE-SA Copyright Policy <http://standards.ieee.org/IPR/copyrightpolicy.html>. Patent Policy: The contributor is familiar with the IEEE-SA Patent Policy and Procedures: <http://standards.ieee.org/guides/bylaws/sect6-7.html#6> and <http://standards.ieee.org/guides/opman/sect6.html#6.3>. Further information is located at <http://standards.ieee.org/board/pat/pat-material.html> and <http://standards.ieee.org/board/pat >.
IEEE 802.16 Presentation Cover Sheet Instructions Use the cover sheet for all presentations at IEEE 802.16 WG meetings. This format is not suitable for formal contributions, which must be submitted with the IEEE 802.16 WG Document Submission Template: <http://ieee802.org/16/submit.html> Instructions: (1) Fill in the cover page information. Remove the square brackets. Leave the disclaimers. (2) Add presentation materials in your own format. (3) Logos and other unnecessary commercial graphics are not permitted. (4) Use only the fonts “Times” (or “Times New Roman”), “Arial” (or “Helvetica”) and “Symbol,” since these fonts need not be embedded in PDF files. You may use other fonts only if necessary to your presentation. (5) Delete this instruction page from your submission. (6) Submit the presentation following the instructions in the Call for Contributions or the 802.16 Document Submission Instructions <http://ieee802.org/16/submit.html> .