Template for the Definition of Challenges for the Wild Card Competition [TITLE] Location, DD. Month YYYY Contact information please enter here
Who you are Challenge Sponsor Organisation Contact person Contact details
Your Challenge What are challenges that you are really excited about but you don’t know how to do, but you do know that they would make a difference if they were solved. Proposed Challenge - Short Tile (5-7words max) Tagline (max 20words) Explanation for choice (background to the challenge – why does it excite you?, impact that solving the challenge would have, What would solving the challenge mean to you as a primary care, hospital and/or social/aged-care organisation)
Conditions for success of a team addressing you challenge What setting would the team need to be placed in to address this challenge (incubator, lab, offices…..) Which of these would you as challenge sponsors(s) be able and willing to provide to the team? What expectations do you have from participating as ‘challenge sponsor’ in this program? (Note: ‘Challenge Sponsors’ are not given an automatic right to acquire the results of the wildcard team.) Do you already have a solution you might like to bring forward?
Note and Disclaimer Your contributions are understood as a statement of intent and they do not represent a formal legal commitment. You may upload this template as an attachment when posting a challenge on: https://connections.eithealth.eu/wild-card-challenges/ By attaching it to your post, it is accessible to the members of the EIT Health community, see here: https://connections.eithealth.eu/group/intranet/legal-notice You can always delete your challenge from the portal by selecting it and then clicking “Delete”. Your challenge will be assessed by the EIT Health Management Board for suitability of being selecting for the call(s) for project wild cards. Prior to any publication, the Management Board of EIT Health e.V. will get in touch with you for confirmation. For any questions, please contact Andy Browning, Andy.Browning@eithealth.eu, EIT Health Director of Innovation.
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