BE SUPER! Nevin Coppock 1st Grade 9-8-17 Mrs. Carus Week in Review Upcoming Events September 15 – Bus Safety September 22 – In Service-No Classes September 29 – District Pep Rally October 5 – Fall pictures October 6 – PIE movie night 6:30 October 9 – Grandparents Lunch week and book fair We had a fun week reading many different alphabet stories! A class favorite was Chicka Chicka Boom Boom and making our own coconut trees with our names! Some of our other favorites were Alphabet Mystery, Alphabet Adventure and Alphabet Rescue by Audrey and Bruce Wood! We’ve been busy learning how to “Read to Self” and how to retell stories! We have been reviewing the kindergarten words with some fun activities at centers. We read Chrysanthemum and did activities with the number of letters in our names and remembering the difference between vowels and consonants. We are also learning all of our classmates names. Reading assessments started this week. Superhero Student Information coming soon! Looking Ahead to Sept. 11th Theme: names, alphabet continued Vowel Sound/Word Family: lonely (short) a, an, at Handwriting: c, o, s Reading/Language Arts: DRA (developmental reading assessment) testing, nouns, rhyming Math: chapter 1 – addition concepts Social Studies: citizens, community September Birthdays Vinncent – 13 Max - 27 Next Week’s Related Arts Mon. Tues. Wed. Thur. Fri. art music gym library Weekly Word Wall Words than am by be Notes from the Teacher Thank you for attending the parent meeting! If you were not able to attend and have questions about the material that was sent home, please contact me. Reading Envelope and recording 3 book on reading log begins Monday!