Department of Technical Education Andhra Pradesh Name : BVSN Murty Designation : Lecturer in Pharmacy Branch : PHARMACY Institute : Govt.,Polytechnic for Women, Srikakulam Year/Semester : I Year Subject : Pharmacognosy Subject code : PH103 Topic : ENZYMES Duration : 50 Mts Sub Topic : PAPAYA Teaching Aids : PPT, Photographs PH103.56 ER-91/PH-103/1 of 5
Objectives On completion of this lesson, you would be able to know about : Definition and classification of the enzymes Monograph of papaya PH103.56
Known to Unknown Have you heard about proteolytic enzymes in earlier college study? Can you tell one fruit which contains those principles? PH103.56
Enzymes Definition : Enzymes are the protein substances which serve a role of catalysing biochemical reactions. They are • Colloidal in nature • Thermolabile and • Highly specific in action. PH103.56
Classification of Enzymes 1. Hydrolases : For catalysis of hydrolytic reactions 2. Transferases : For the transfer of chemical group from one molecule to another 3. Oxido reductases : Catalyse the oxidation – reduction reactions PH103.56
Classification of Enzymes 4. Lyases : Catalyse the addition of groups to double bonds or vice-versa 5. Isomerases : Responsible for intra-molecular re arrangements 6. Synthetases : Catalyse the condensation of two molecules coupled with the cleavage of Pyrophosphate bond of ATP. PH103.56
Papaya Biological source : It is cultivated fruiting tree known as Carica papaya Family : Caricaceae Geographical Source : Topical America Sri Lanka Tanzania Hawali Florida India Fig.56.1 Papaya fruit PH103.56
Papaya Description : Colour : Light brown or white coloured amorphous powder Odour : Typical Taste : Typical Solubility : Partly Soluble in water Soluble in Glycerine Fig.56.1 Papaya Tree PH103.56
Papaya Chemical Constituents : Enzymes • Papain • Chymopapain • Polypeptides • Amides Chemical Tests: 1. 0.5 gm of Papaya latex + 10 ml water Shake well Add KMnO4 Decolorisation 2. 20 ml of milk + 0.5 gm of Papaya latex Curdling takes place. PH103.56
PAPAYA Uses : In clarification of Beverages Meat tenderiser In cheese manufacture as substitute of Rennin Degumming of silk fibres in textile industry Dehairing of skins and hides in Leather industry Digestant (proteolytic) Anti-inflammatory agent Relieving symptoms of Episiotomy. PH103.56
PAPAYA Storage : Stored in well closed containers protected from light and in cool place PH103.56
Summary In this class we learnt about : Papaya is obtained from half ripe fruits belongs to family Caricaceae chiefly constitutes proteolytic enzyme Papain It is used as Digestant (proteolytic) and Anti inflammatory agent. PH103.56
Quiz Papaya contains Vitamins Enzymes Minerals None of the above PH103.56
Quiz 2. Papaya belongs to Leguminosae Caricaceae Solanaceae Graminae PH103.56
Quiz 3. Papaya is used as Proteolytic Anti inflammatory Treatment of Episiotomy All of the above PH103.56
Frequently asked Questions Write the family, Chemical constituents and Uses of Papaya Write the monograph of Papaya. Write the family, Biological source and uses of Papaya PH103.55