Background and Purpose In September and November 2012, Innovasjon Norge launched a campaign in Northern Germany about Norway as a winter holiday holiday destination. In order to evaluate the campaign as well as providing input to future campaigns, Epinion has conducted a test of the campaign. The campaign test was conducted through an internet survey in November 2012. Northern Lights target group The test is conducted within the Northern Lights target group which is defined as people who travel and are interested in going abroad in order to experience alpine or cross-country skiing, snowboarding or other outdoor winter activities such as seeing the Northern Lights. Only people who remember seeing one of the tested elements participate. A total of 4.528 interviews were completed with 1.677 falling within the target group and 654 of these having been exposed to at least one of the campaign elements. THE PURPOSE IS TO ANSWER: What is the aided and unaided recollection of the campaign? What is the Tone of Voice (TOV) of the campaign? What effect does the campaign have in regards to involving and persuading the audience? What is the campaign’s branding effect?
Elements tested Internet banner Advertisement Newspaper section Internet commercial
Recollection of the campaign in the target group Channels UNAIDED AND AIDED RECOLLECTION CHANNELS, UNAIDED RECALL n=1562 n=1080 The unaided recall is 24%. This means that 24% of the Northern Lights target group can remember seeing a campaign for Norway in the past month. The channels show that the unaided recall comes primarily from an advertisement in a newspaper (42%), a brochure (41%), television (40%) and an internet banner (39%). The aided recall for the internet banner is 25%. Hence, when shown the internet banner, 25% of the target group remember having seen it before. The advertisement’s aided recall is 23%, while the aided recall for the section in a newspaper is 18%. The aided recall for the web commercial is 16%.
Norway’s Share of Voice NORWAY’S SHARE OF VOICE IN GERMANY (NORTHERN LIGHTS TARGET GROUP) n=901 The respondents were asked whether they remember seeing any advertisements for countries where you can go on vacation during the past months. The respondents could choose one or more countries. The figure shows a steadily increasing SOV from 16% to 38%. Thus, Norway’s SOV more than doubled in from late September to late December 2012. While starting with a lower Share of Voice than Germany, Austria, Canada and Italy, Norway ends with the highest Share of Voice at the end of the period.
Tone of Voice across platforms Bigger font size indicates more people using the word to describe the campaign n=260-400
Tone of Voice of each platform Top seven TONE OF VOICE OF EACH PLATFORM n=260-400 This figure shows the top seven dimensions across the four platforms. As the figure illustrates, the advertisement is rated somewhat more credible and beautiful than the other elements. The internet commercial distinguishes itself as much more entertaining than the other elements.
Small or negative net effect The Priority Map – which factors can increase the probability for going on holiday to Norway most effectively? Large net effect A priority map organises the various campaign goals in four boxes according to the overall net effect and the goals’ impact on the probability for going on holiday to Norway. The net effect is the difference in the perception of Norway as a holiday destination between people who recall having seen the campaign (measured in the campaign test) and the overall target group (measured in the tracking). Items in the boxes to the left have a low impact on the probability while items to the right have higher impact on the probability. The expected impact of a decrease or increase in the net effect for items in each boxes are spelled out to the left. This priority map focuses only on areas important for the probability for going on holiday to Norway. Items with small impact can easily be important in other contexts. ADEQUATE RETAIN Net effect: Large Impact: Small Items located in this area can be downgraded without a major impact on the probability for holiday in Norway Net effect: Large Impact: Large Items located in this area can advantageously be maintained as a decrease is expected to have a major negative impact on the probability Large impact Small impact Net effect: Small or negative Impact: Small Items located in this area can advantageously be monitored and prioritized if their importance increases Net effect: Small or negative Impact: Large An increase in the net effect with elements placed in this field is expected to provide a significant increase in the total probability MONITOR PRIORITIZE Small or negative net effect
TOV Effects: Did the campaign to the right things?
The Ad Effect Hierarchy - Explanation ”The respondent is more likely to be active by going on vacation to Norway” Persuaded and active - holiday (+ campaign recollection + involved + persuaded) Is more inclined to go to Norway on holiday ”The respondent is active by searching information about Norway as a holiday destination.” Persuaded and active - contact (+ campaign recollection + involved + persuaded) Has searched for information about Norway as a holiday destination ”The campaign has changed the respondent’s attitude towards Norway as a holiday destination.” Persuaded (+ campaign recollection + involved) Thinks better of Norway as a holiday destination after seeing the campaign AD EFFECT HIERARCHY ”The respondent thinks that the campaign is better than other campaigns he or she remembers.” Involved (+ campaign recollection but NOT persuaded) The campaign is rated better than other commercials ”The respondent can recall the campaign, but is not involved or persuaded.” Only campaign recollection (but NOT involved or persuaded) Recollection of the campaign – without any other effect
The Campaign’s Ad Effect Hierarchy Advertisement Section in a newspaper Internet banner Web commercial Persuaded and active – holiday 30% 36% 33% Persuaded and active – contact 6% 8% 9% Persuaded 29% Involved 23% 16% 20% 18% Recollection 11% 12% N 380 305 408 267 The table shows that the campaigns are doing well. They all manage to move between 30 and 36% of the respondents to the highest level in the effect hierarchy. This is equal to or higher than the overall benchmark.
Small or negative net effect The Priority Map – which factors can increase the probability for going on holiday to Norway most effectively? Large net effect A priority map organises the various campaign goals in four boxes according to the overall net effect and the goals’ impact on the probability for going on holiday to Norway. The net effect is the difference in the perception of Norway as a holiday destination between people who recall having seen the campaign (measured in the campaign test) and the overall target group (measured in the tracking). Items in the boxes to the left have a low impact on the probability while items to the right have higher impact on the probability. The expected impact of a decrease or increase in the net effect for items in each boxes are spelled out to the left. This priority map focuses only on areas important for the probability for going on holiday to Norway. Items with small impact can easily be important in other contexts. ADEQUATE RETAIN Net effect: Large Impact: Small Items located in this area can be downgraded without a major impact on the probability for holiday in Norway Net effect: Large Impact: Large Items located in this area can advantageously be maintained as a decrease is expected to have a major negative impact on the probability Large impact Small impact Net effect: Small or negative Impact: Small Items located in this area can advantageously be monitored and prioritized if their importance increases Net effect: Small or negative Impact: Large An increase in the net effect with elements placed in this field is expected to provide a significant increase in the total probability MONITOR PRIORITIZE Small or negative net effect
Campaign effect: Did the campaign do the right things? The priority map shows that the campaign has managed to influence the right the campaign value “I would like to know more about Norway as a holiday destination” as it is the item with the largest impact on the probability for holidays in Norway. The campaign could advantageously have focused on attractively priced package holidays as it is an important campaign target as well. ADEQUATE RETAIN Large net campaign effect Retain: The campaign had a large net campaign effect on the campaign targets which have high impact on the probability for holidays in Norway Prioritize: The campaign had a small or negative net campaign effect on the campaign targets that have a high impact on the probability for holidays in Norway Adequate: The campaign had a large net campaign effect on the campaign targets that have a low impact on the probability for holidays in Norway Monitor: The campaign had a small or negative net campaign effect on the campaign targets which have a low impact on the probability for holidays in Norway Small/negative net campaign effect MONITOR PRIORITIZE Low impact on probability for holiday in Norway High impact on probability for holiday in Norway n (tracking) =393-484 n (campaign) =577-635
Branding effect: Did the campaign do the right things? The priority map shows that the campaign has managed to influence the right goals experiences that you cannot find anywhere else and wide range of sustainable alternatives. These items have a great impact on the wish to go to Norway on vacation. Other items which have a large impact on the probability for holidays in Norway are exciting cities as well as exciting culture and history. On these, the campaign only has a small net effect. ADEQUATE RETAIN Large net branding effect Retain: The campaign had a large net branding effect on the branding targets which have a high impact on the probability for holidays in Norway Prioritize: The campaign had a small or negative net branding effect on the branding targets that have a high impact on the probability for holidays in Norway Adequate: The campaign had a large net branding effect on the branding targets that have a low impact on the probability for holidays in Norway Monitor: The campaign had a small or negative net branding effect on the branding targets which have a low impact on the probability for holidays in Norway Small/negative net branding effect MONITOR PRIORITIZE Low impact on probability for holiday in Norway High impact on probability for holiday in Norway n (tracking) =404-482 n (campaign) =582-634
Methodology The campaign test has been conducted through an internet survey in November 2012. The survey was conducted with a representative sample of Norwegians over 18 years of age who are in the Innovasjon Norge northern lights target group (see box on the left) and who have been exposed to at least one of the campaign elements. A total of 4.528 interviews were completed with 1.677 falling within the target group and 654 of these having been exposed to at least one of the campaign elements. NORTHERN LIGHTS TARGET GROUP At least one holiday abroad in the last three years not paid for by an employer with at least one overnight stay. Must be interested in travelling on a holiday abroad in the next three years, which is not paid for by an employer, in order to experience alpine or cross-country skiing, snowboarding or other outdoor winter activities such as seeing the northern lights.