Introduction to Novell SecureLogin Single Sign-on Novell BrainShare 2002 Introduction to Novell SecureLogin Single Sign-on Bob Bentley Product Manager Novell, Inc. John Clark Development Manager IO223—Introduction to Novell SecureLogin Single Sign-on
Vision…one Net Mission A world where networks of all types—corporate and public, intranets, extranets, and the Internet—work together as one Net and securely connect employees, customers, suppliers, and partners across organizational boundaries Mission To solve complex business and technical challenges with Net business solutions that enable people, processes, and systems to work together and our customers to profit from the opportunities of a networked world
Agenda The Password Management Problem SecureLogin: The Password Management Solution How It Works SecureLogin 3 Features and Architecture Demonstration What About Your Organization Summary/Question and Answer
Introduction one Net: Simplify Secure Accelerate Extend
Password Management Problem how many passwords you do have?
Password Management Problem (cont.) Too many to remember!
Password Management Problem (cont.) Novell BrainShare 2002 Password Management Problem (cont.) Security is compromised Users will Use weak passwords Share passwords Record passwords IO223—Introduction to Novell SecureLogin Single Sign-on
Password Management Problem (cont.) Novell BrainShare 2002 Password Management Problem (cont.) How does this affect your Help Desk costs IO223—Introduction to Novell SecureLogin Single Sign-on
Help Desk Costs Did you know… Novell BrainShare 2002 Help Desk Costs Did you know… Each time an end-user calls the help desk, it costs the organization $25 to $50 (Giga) Annually, organizations spend $200-$300 per user on password management (Hurwitz Group) (IDC) Annual help desk time spent managing passwords for an average 5,000 user organization with… 4-8 apps: 4,150 hours Over 20 apps: 10,700 hours IO223—Introduction to Novell SecureLogin Single Sign-on
Password Management Problem: Help Desk Costs Novell BrainShare 2002 Password Management Problem: Help Desk Costs How big is the problem? First-hand data— One Novell customer Spent $32 for each password reset 10,000 users 2 password resets for each user annually $640,000 spent annually on password reset IO223—Introduction to Novell SecureLogin Single Sign-on
Password Management Problem Novell BrainShare 2002 Password Management Problem What about your users? IO223—Introduction to Novell SecureLogin Single Sign-on
Password Management Problem: End-User Productivity Novell BrainShare 2002 Password Management Problem: End-User Productivity Did you know… The average user scenario: 44 hours per year performing multiple login tasks to access 4 applications (Hurwitz Group) A 5,000 user organization loses 1,479 hours of productive time per month getting help with passwords (IDC) Over 70% of users have password problems at least monthly (IDC) IO223—Introduction to Novell SecureLogin Single Sign-on
Password Management Problem Novell BrainShare 2002 Password Management Problem What about data security? IO223—Introduction to Novell SecureLogin Single Sign-on
Password Management Problem: Cost of Insecure Data Novell BrainShare 2002 Password Management Problem: Cost of Insecure Data Did you know… In 1999, Fortune 1000 companies reported $45 billion in proprietary information loss (Price Waterhouse Coopers) 57% of security breaches were made by on-site employees/contractors accessing unauthorized resources (eWeek) On-site employees/contractors are the #1 threat to proprietary data security (Price Waterhouse Coopers) IO223—Introduction to Novell SecureLogin Single Sign-on
Password Management Solution Novell BrainShare 2002 Password Management Solution The Holy Grail? IO223—Introduction to Novell SecureLogin Single Sign-on
Password Management Solution Novell BrainShare 2002 Password Management Solution Novell SecureLogin A password management solution that single sign-on enables Windows, web, Citrix/Terminal Server, and host-based applications Solves 95% of password management problems (IDC) #1 Market Share Leader (IDC) IO223—Introduction to Novell SecureLogin Single Sign-on
Password Management Solution Novell BrainShare 2002 Password Management Solution Novell SecureLogin benefits Significantly reduces support costs Simplifies the end-user experience Increases security Leverages Novell eDirectory™ it’s one Net IO223—Introduction to Novell SecureLogin Single Sign-on
Password Management Solution Novell BrainShare 2002 Password Management Solution Securely Store passwords in eDirectory eDirectory IO223—Introduction to Novell SecureLogin Single Sign-on
Password Management Solution Novell BrainShare 2002 Password Management Solution For on-demand presentation to applications eDirectory IO223—Introduction to Novell SecureLogin Single Sign-on
Novell SecureLogin Today Novell BrainShare 2002 Novell SecureLogin Today Out-of-the-box support…a partial listing MSN Messenger ACT Browser Pop-ups CorporateTime Entrust Eudora Goldmine ICQ JUNO Lotus Notes Lotus Organizer Meeting Maker MS Internet Gaming Zone MS FrontPage MS Money 98/99 Quicken Siebel Sales Yahoo! Messenger Visual SourceSafe Windows Logon MS SQL Microsoft Outlook Clarify QuickBooks Pro Rumba 6 Attachmate Extra! 6.3 Attachmate Extra! 6.5 Opera Web Internet Explorer Dialer AOL Internet Explorer Web Internet Explorer Pop-up Compuserve Earthlink Reflection 7 HostExplorer PCOM 4.3, 5.0 Mindspring Netscape Web Netscape Pop-up NeoPlanet Web MSN Prodigy Novell GroupWise® PeopleSoft Oracle SoftFront Track for Win Worldnet IO223—Introduction to Novell SecureLogin Single Sign-on
How It Works: Login Experience—Before NSL Novell BrainShare 2002 How It Works: Login Experience—Before NSL Application server 4) Application starts Login ID: Password: frank ******* 2) Credential challenge 1) Launch application 3) Provide credentials Client workstation IO223—Introduction to Novell SecureLogin Single Sign-on
How It Works: Login Experience—With NSL Novell BrainShare 2002 How It Works: Login Experience—With NSL Application server Novell eDirectory 5) NSL receives secret (ID/PWD) from eDirectory, then authenticates to application 3) Credential challenge 4) NSL requests secret from eDirectory 2) Launch application 1) Authenticate to eDirectory Login ID: Password: Client workstation IO223—Introduction to Novell SecureLogin Single Sign-on
NSL 3.0 Features: Client-Side Features Comprehensive single sign-on Windows applications Groupware and client/server applications Web sites Terminal emulators Citrix/Terminal Server Script development options Wizards for simple application integration tasks Advanced login scripting for complex application integration tasks Password policy enforcement Deployment options Client32™, LDAP or ADSI Client-only or client-server configuration with Novell SecretStore® Local cache for remote/ disconnected use Other user features NMAS SE built in Screenlock for Win9x Simple configuration tool for users
NSL 3.0 Features, Server-Side Features and Administration Server-side options, when implemented on eDirectory SecretStore v3 Server NMAS v2 Server Administration tools ConsoleOne® Administration for eDirectory configurations Script editor administration for LDAP, ADSI configurations Administrative capabilities Single point of management for deploying organization-wide scripts, password policies Administrator sets overriding values for user options SNMP monitoring of login events and performance
NSL 3.0 Components: Standard eDirectory Environment NMAS Data Corporate scripts Password policies User secrets User scripts TLaunch WinSSO Notes WebSSO eDirectory server Script engine Main module Client32 SecretStore Local cache (Optional) SecureLogin client NMAS
NSL 3.0 Components: LDAP Environment eDirectory Corporate scripts Password policies User secrets User scripts TLaunch WinSSO Notes WebSSO eDirectory server with NLDAP Script engine Main module LDAP Local cache (Optional) SecureLogin client
NSL 3.0 Components: Citrix/Terminal Server Environment eDirectory NMAS data Corporate scripts Password policies User secrets User scripts TLaunch WinSSO Notes WebSSO Script engine Main module Client32 Citrix/Terminal Server with SecureLogin client installed eDirectory server SecretStore PC client Browser Mac Pocket PC NMAS UNIX Linux ICA clients
NSL 3.0 Requirements NSL 3.0 client platforms Windows 98/ME Windows NT/2000/XP For client-only install (no server install) Any *NDS® platform (including NetWare® 4) Any eDirectory platform MS ADS NT Domains For client/server install (SecretStore) Any eDirectory platform NetWare 5+ Windows NT/2000 Solaris Linux *Novell Directory Services®
Part of Novell Secure Access Suite Novell BrainShare 2002 Part of Novell Secure Access Suite SecureLogin integrates with other Novell security products Novell Modular Authentication Services (NMAS™) Use biometrics, smart cards or tokens to completely eliminate passwords Novell iChain® Extend single sign-on benefits to external employees and customers Novell Account Management (NAM) Automatically sign on to platforms such as NT/2000, OS/390, or UNIX IO223—Introduction to Novell SecureLogin Single Sign-on
Summary Solves the password management problem Reduces help desk costs Improves security Streamlines end-user experience Works with your organization’s applications Integrates with other Novell security products Achieves a quick return on investment
What About Your Organization? Novell BrainShare 2002 What About Your Organization? Find out how much the password problem is costing you, and how much you would save with SecureLogin 3 CIO View’s ROI Calculator IO223—Introduction to Novell SecureLogin Single Sign-on
For More Information… Other BrainShare 2002 sessions on SecureLogin TUT243: Automating Mainframe Authentication Using SecureLogin TUT244: Securing the Net: Web Authentication Using SecureLogin TUT344: Advanced Novell SecureLogin Configuration BUS244: Healthcare Solutions Using Novell SecureLogin (NSL) and Novell Module Authentication Service (NMAS)
For More Information… For more information on Novell SecureLogin 3, please visit Brochure, Flyer White Paper ROI Tool News and Reviews
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