Century 21 Recruiting Adam Lerman Adam will own creation of all notes pages Jay to work with Robin to set up WebEx and present to RSM population Century 21 Recruiting Adam Lerman
Overview New 21 Online Recruiting Tab 2008 Recruiting Campaign Century21.com Recruiting Army PaYS Program
21 Online Recruiting Tab We are in the process of rolling out the new 21 online recruiting tab. We will have three phases and with each phase we will introduce new materials Phase 1- Complete Phase 2- October Phase 3- December
21 Online Recruiting Tab Recruiting has it’s own tab!
21 Online Recruiting Tab (Phase 1) New easier to navigate dropdown
Breakdown Of New Recruiting Tab Planning Your Business/Tracking Link Recruiting Experienced Agents Link Recruiting New Agents Link Retention Link Value Package/Career Seminar Link Training Link Rainmaker Link Army PaYS Program Link Please be sure to complete the survey at the bottom of the page (it’s located on all the pages)
Brief Overview Categories
Planning your Business/Tracking Recruiting Plan Template (phase 2) Weekly Recruiting Tracker (phase 2) Recruiting Contact Timeline (phase 2) E-mail address designate to receive leads Rainmaker Utilizing company websites to recruit
Experienced Agent Link Overview Experienced Agent Recruiting Avenues Postcards Letter templates E-greetings E-mail Drip Campaign (phase 2)-see next slide Newsletter templates (phase 2) Broker/Manager/Recruiter scripts (phase 3) Experienced Agent Interview Presentation Updated presentation with new look template and updated 2007 statistics (phase 2) Brochures Updated the recruiting tri fold brochure Updating the 8-page recruiting brochure (phase 2)
Drip Campaign Subjects Month Subject January Healthcare February Brand Awareness/Global Reach March Lead Router April Spot Runner May National Advertising June Award Winning Training July Industry Leading Marketing Materials August Internet Leads September Technology October CGRN November 21online.com December Local Marketing Other Loyalty Programs Customer Satisfaction Community Service
Experienced Agent Link Overview Tools to assist brokers/managers/recruiters Royalty fee calculator (helps associate understand the breakdown of how many extra sides they have to do to cover the fee- usually it’s under 1 side!!!) Century 21 value comparison grid (Gives a quick side by side analysis of Century 21 and Brand X- Customizable to your office) Century 21 value package worksheet (Gives the broker a detailed list of every cost and all the value of Century 21’s programs- it’s the detailed version of the comparison grid above) Needs and wants guide (Guide to assist broker in the interview process- gaining background knowledge and asking questions) Repositioning your business guide (Guide that helps experienced agents transition into their new Century 21 environment FAQ Guide (Guides that helps broker answer questions and objections from associates (especially good for retention)
New Agent Link Overview Avenues to recruit new agents Guidelines and collaterals to help the brokers recruit new agents i.e. job fairs, community events, corporate outplacement, colleges, etc. Career Seminars Updated career seminar presentation (phase 2) Career seminar presentation guidelines (with attendance list) Brochures Updated recruiting tri fold Updating recruiting 8-page (phase 2)
Retention Link Tools similar to ‘Experienced Agent’ link: Royalty Fee Calculator FAQ Guide Value Comparison Grid Detailed Value Worksheet Myth/Reality Guides Business Benefits Program Healthcare Benefits Package Information Connections Awards and Events
National and Local Level 2008 Recruiting Campaign National and Local Level
2008 Recruiting Campaign 21 Reasons To Join Century 21 Advertise in RIS Media and NAR (1st time in NAR Realtor magazine since a few years ago!) Working with Marketing on local level real estate magazines (by recruiting seasonality) Posters for offices Broker Councils E-mail drip campaigns
Century21.com Recruiting We advertise in 3 places! New landing page (soon to come)
Century21.com Recruiting Position #1
Century21.com Recruiting Position # 2 Position # 3
Army PaYS Program
Army PaYS Program Army pays for tuition (college or real estate school) Brokers get to work joint recruiting events with Army recruiters for free: job fairs high school career days college career days college recruiting events technical/vocational school career & recruiting events PaYS Soldiers will possess the Army values, warrior ethos and soldier creed. Ongoing pipeline of leads coming into your office Database of leads Utilize the Army logo on marketing collaterals
Army PaYS Program By logging into 21online.com, brokers can find out how to get in touch with their local Army Recruiters to attend job fairs and also receive leads from potential PaYS program participants by hitting the ‘Instructions’ link.
Building Your Recruiting Plan (Discussion and Information Sharing)
Quick and Simple Recruiting Plan New Agents Weekly/Bi-weekly Career Seminar (21 online) Weekly events (colleges, job fairs, corporate outplacement, sneaker network, advertising ‘career opportunity’ ads, etc.) (21 online) Advertising (signs, paper, flyers, etc.) Experienced agents Interview session (presentation and tools on 21 online) Collect names Bi-weekly/monthly e-mail drip campaigns (21 online) Quarterly newsletters (21 online) Snail mail letters (21 online) Phone calls (21 online)
Quick and Simple Recruiting Plan Retention Build excitement with weekly contests Posters for new recruiting campaign Utilize retention tools (Royalty fee calculator, needs and wants guide, comparison grids, etc.) (21 online) Continually reinforcing Century 21’s (and your offices) value package in every meeting Century21.com and Monster.com Accept every lead that comes to your inbox Call back within 4 business hours Close to a career seminar or interview
Something Interesting…
Googlebattle.com Enter in company name Look at the results!!
Googlebattle.com Googlebattle.com is a company that measures ‘hits’ from key words on google.com. Great tool to utilize against competition. Easy to use: log onto the site and enter in Century 21 in one keyword area and then your competition in other keyword area.
Adam Lerman Director of Recruiting Programs Thank You! Adam Lerman Director of Recruiting Programs