By Jamie Roberts and Matthew Shaw E-Safety By Jamie Roberts and Matthew Shaw
How can you be safe on the Internet? Know the fakes. Click here Think before you click. Click here Protect your personal data. Click here Know who you are chatting to. Click here Keep your password safe. Click here Quiz page! Click here Stay SMART. Click here
Know the fakes. When you are online, (playing games, surfing the web, etc.) sometimes an advert pops up asking you to buy something or similar. Always think twice about clicking it or ask a parent or carer for their permission because it is usually fake.
Think before you click. Whatever you are doing on your gadget, you must always think before you click. You have got to think ‘If I do this, will it upset someone?’ or ‘Is what I am about to look at appropriate for me?’, that kind of thing. If you don’t, you might get into trouble or feel upset.
Protect your personal info. 1 of 2 Protecting your personal information is one of the most important things in this presentation. Look at these tables:
Protect your personal info. 2 of 2 As you saw, the table on the right was someone’s real details and the table on the left was made up. Which one do you think you should put on the internet? You have thirty seconds to discuss with your partner.
Know who you are chatting to. Knowing who you are chatting to can be very hard. For instance, someone may say they are a little girl but could actually be a middle-aged man. If they do do this, they may arrange to meet up with you and then hurt you when you meet up. Therefore it is recommended to never meet up with somebody that you met online. Tom is chatting online when he gets a friend request. He recognises the name but can’t remember where from. What should he do?
Keep your passwords safe Keeping passwords safe is very important because if someone you don’t trust gets it, they could hack your account and find all your personal information. Your password should be complicated for others, but easy for you. Maybe if you like football and your favourite number is 78 your password could be Football78.
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