Canada’s Wonderland – Solar Powered TOUR: 9620 02 Mohit Agnihotri Fuyang Wei Lucy Porter
Core Product – Solar Powered Theme Park Experience Overall Experience ADVENTURE High Impact Fun Low Environmental Impact
Facilitating Products New Solar Powered Cabins Located Within the Park Site Organic Green House
Supporting Products Return of Surplus Power Support Local Non Profit Organizations such as LSF
Augmented Products Healthy Living Positive Well Balanced Staff and Park goers
Product Life Cycle Our core product is at maturity stage Implementing the new technology (solar power) involves product development Every Fall season there is decline in our product life cycle - natural
Micro-Environment Suppliers Canadian Solar Inc. Top 5 High quality
Micro-Environment Suppliers Westbrook Greenhouse Systems LTD. 50 years Well-equipped
Micro-Environment Intermediaries Travel agencies e.g. Sears Travel Canada Direct Mail House e.g. Micro Mailing Canada
Micro-Environment Public Government Public e.g. Natural Resources Canada Local Public e.g. Local Food Plus Media Public e.g. Greenhouse Canada
Macro Environment Macro Environment describes the bigger picture of external factors. Factors which are sometimes uncontrollable.
Economic and Natural Environment Canadian Economy is stable. People do have money to spend on their leisure. Canada’s wonderland also conducts international festivals to attract international traffic. Its plan is to generate their own energy(solar) and also supply it to locals to keep the local area sustainable. Also for in house and local restaurants, wonderland is planning to build its own green house.
Technological and Political It offers 2 main passes to their guests. Season Pass and Platinum pass. It saves a lot of paper. These cards include free parking, food discounts, early entry to the rides etc. Also it is planning to save the solar energy and use it in to run its restaurants as well. Its planning to minimize the use of electric energy. Right now this park is taken over by Cedar Fair L.P for US $1.24 billion from CBS corp. This park with its sustainable approach affects the political environment as it includes the huge amount of wealth and also a crisp idea of sustainability.
Works Cited Author Unknown. canada’s wonderland. “seasons passes”. CFEC:2012. Web. 1 Nov. 2012. Author Unknown. Canadian Solar. “Products”. Kitchener, Canadian Solar Inc: 2012. Web. 1 Nov. 2012. Author Unknown. CBCNews – Business. “Canada’s Wonderland Sold Again”. CBC:2012. Web. 1 Nov. 2012.
Works Cited Author Unknown. GOOD. “How can we put a value on ecosystem services?”. Good World Wide LLC: 2012: 1 Nov. 2012. Author Unknown. Green House Canada. “About”. Annex Business Media: 2007-2009. Web. 1 Nov. 2012. Author Unknown. Learning for a Sustainable Future. “Eco Leagues”. Web. 1 Nov. 2012. Author Unknown. Local Foods Plus. “About”. Local Food Plus:2012. Web. 1 Nov. 2012.
Works Cited Author Unknown. Micro Mailing Canada. “Main Menu”. Micro Mailing Canada: 2009. Web. 1 Nov. 2012. Author Unknown. Natural Resources Canada. “Home”. 2011. Web. 1 Nov. 2012. Author Unknown. Sears Travel. “Home”. Thomas Cook Canada Inc: 2012. Web. 1 Nov. 2012. L
Works Cited Author Unknown. Westbrook Green House Systems. “Greenhouses”. Westbrook Green House Systems Inc: 2012. Web. Nov. 1 2012.