By: Chandler Prichard and Kara Hoskins Soft skills By: Chandler Prichard and Kara Hoskins
What is a soft skill? Soft skills are self-control and social skills that help keep at-risk kids out of criminal trouble in the future. “Learning Soft Skills in Childhood Can Prevent Harder Problems Later Article, Section 1, Lines 2-3.”
What is Communication? Communication is verbal dural (listening and hearing) and is also non-verbal (facial expressions, body language and posture). According to the article Communication bullet points, communication is very important in a workplace because they tend to rank good communication skills at the top of the list for potential employers. Employers are impressed with strong communication according to Section 4, Lines 1-2.
What are attitude and enthusiasm? Enthusiasm can mean the difference in not just getting a job, but succeeding in a job and even advancing in your career. However, a positive attitude helps employees go above and beyond to get along with co-workers and even managers. “Enthusiasm and Attitude Article, Section 3, Lines 7-10.”
what IS TEAMWORK? Teamwork is building relationships and working with other people using a number of skills and habits. Teamwork is important in a workplace to accomplish goals, and everyone benefits from it. Three examples are working cooperatively, sense of responsibility, and contributing to group ideas. “Teamwork Article, Section 2 bullet points.”
What is networking? A personal network is that group of people with whom you interact with everyday- family, friends, parents of friends, friends of friends, neighbors, teachers, bosses and co-workers. Networking occurs everytime you participate in a school or social event, volunteer in the community, visit with members of your religious group, talk with neighbors, strike up a conversation with someone at the store, or connect with friends online. These tie in with communication skills. Networking teaches you how to interact with others properly. “Networking Article, Section 1, Lines 6-11.”
What are problem-solving and critical thinking? Problem solving and critical thinking according to section 2, line one in the Problem Solving and Thinking article states that it refers the ability to use knowledge, facts, and data to effectively solve problems. Employees who can work through problems on their own or as an effective member of a team.
What is professionalism? Professionalism means conducting oneself with responsibility, integrity, accountability and excellence. It means communicating effectively and appropriately and always finding a way to be productive. A professional employee arrives on time to work and manages time effectively, take responsibility for their own behavior and work effectively with others. “Professionalism Article, Section 2, Lines 4-8.”
What are the benefits and detriments of social media in the workplace? Some benefits of social media are social skills, independence, self expression and digital competence. Some disadvantages are sharing too much of ones personal information with the wrong people, bullying and disclosure according to the Social Networking Article, Section 1, Lines 1-3.