Welcome to Back-to-School Night Grade 5 Mrs. Serpiello and Mrs. Teague Room 212 Please find your child’s seat. Look for the note that your child left for you in their Response Journal! Take a few minutes to jot a note back to them! Fill out index card with information on the board Welcome to Back-to-School Night
The following are our goals as your child’s teachers: Welcome to 5th Grade The following are our goals as your child’s teachers: foster independence, responsibility and organization support the physical, social, emotional, and intellectual development of all children engage students in hands-on meaningful activities create and motivate life-long learners
Schedule We operate on a Day A-E schedule. A detailed copy of our schedule is located in your packet. Daily specials include: Day A: Music Day B: Library and Technology Day C: Physical Education Day D: Physical Education and World Language Day E: Art
Scott Foresman Reading Program Language Arts Scott Foresman Reading Program Spelling Classroom Novels Individual Reading Read Aloud Grammar Comprehension Writing – Informational, Persuasive, Narrative and Reflective 5th Grade Assessment
Math Scott Foresman Chapters: Place Value, Adding, and Subtracting Multiplying Whole Numbers and Decimals Dividing with One-Digit Divisors Dividing with Two-Digit Divisors Data, Graphs, and Probability Geometry Fraction Concepts Fraction Operations Measurement Measuring Solids Ratio, Proportion, and Percent Algebra: Integers, Equations, and Graphing www.mathsurf.com
Science Scott Foresman Engage students as they explore the natural world. Students actively construct ideas through their own inquiries, investigations and analyses. Life Science Earth Science Physical Science Space and Technology
Social Studies Mr. Biddle Room 213 Harcourt Mr. Biddle Room 213 Please visit with Mr. Biddle tonight at 8:35 for more exciting information about social studies this year!
Assessment Quizzes Tests Homework Class Work Notebook Checks Class Participation In school projects
From the Desks of Mrs. Serpiello and Mrs. Teague Homework Policy Due to the fact that homework gets reviewed in school the next day, it is important that students complete their homework every night. Therefore, incomplete homework is a 50% and failure to complete homework at all is a 0%. 3 missed assignments—phone call made home No homework given on Friday unless work is needed to be made up or large projects are assigned. * Assignment Books signed by a parent every night checked each morning by teacher Home Folders emptied each night Major Tests signed and returned the next day
Connecting School and Home www.swedesboro-woolwich.com READ, READ, READ Responsibility, Respect and Caring Share daily school experiences Daily snack When opportunities arise, parents will be invited into the classroom Willingness to work together- we are a team pulling together for your child’s success Open communication through notes, email or phone calls dteague@swedesboro-woolwich.com cserpiello@swedesboro-woolwich.com 856-241-1552 x 4102
We are looking forward to a fantastic school year! Thank you for coming! Sign up for November Conferences: November 20th, 23rd and 24th We are looking forward to a fantastic school year!