Increasing local turnout among disadvantaged groups Henk van der Kolk
Disadvantaged Advantaged How are turnout and ‘being disadvantaged’ related? And how is this affected by decline? 80 70 60 50 Turnout 40 ? 30 20 10 Disadvantaged Advantaged Presentation Council of Europe Oct 22, 2009
Which measures help to increase turnout? Institutional: PR works better than Plurality Facilitative: Postal voting helps to increase overall turnout in less important elections Communication: Getting out to vote campaigns help as long as they are personal, focusing on the public aspects of the act of voting. Presentation Council of Europe Oct 22, 2009
How (not) to increase turnout in local elections? Addressing people personally Stressing visibility and the public nature of the ‘act of voting’ This has consequences for some measures to decrease the costs of the act of voting Presentation Council of Europe Oct 22, 2009
How does inclusion affect turnout of the disadvantaged ? 80 ? 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 Disadvantaged Advantaged Presentation Council of Europe Oct 22, 2009
Thanks for listening Henk van der Kolk