TRENDING 2.0 NEW FEATURES Petra Mazdin, BE-ICS-FD September - 2017
ENVIRONMENT OF THE TESTS Windows machine WinCC OA 3.15 P005 Release version 20170810 Procedure Create a WinCC OA project fwInstallation-8.0.5 Trending2_0 component ETM deliveries Test examples Simulator files dplist files Test_Trending_2_0 panels Pictures Post install script This presentation and documentation Petra Mazdin, BE-ICS-FD September - 2017
OVERVIEW – NEW FUNCTIONALITIES Various enhancements New labels Preselection trend Horizontal areas Area close event & Freeze mode Ruler popup Different color for Y-axis Event curves Grid features Visualization optimization Custom markers * Available ** Design suggestion (not implemented) Petra Mazdin, BE-ICS-FD September - 2017
MAJOR CHANGES Must use a reference panel with expected shapes inside: ExampleTrend_trend.pnl Define some global variable used in library functions (hardcoded in the trending widget) Now features are configured as a mapping per each curve The whole trend configuration is a mapping of mappings Legend appearance with multiple curves: last curves are overwritten Petra Mazdin, BE-ICS-FD September - 2017
FEATURE: Various Enhancements Limit the displayable time span per trend area Panel: 01_Trending_areaMaximumTimeSpan.pnl Works fine Specify the functionality usable on the trend plot/scales (flags) Panel: 02_Trending_AreaInteractionFlags.pnl Issue with documented function: areaInteractionFlag doesn’t exist Specify an automatic timeout of a set ruler Panel: 03_Trending_areaTouchRulerTimeout.pnl Issue: doesn’t work, timeout event didn’t happen Petra Mazdin, BE-ICS-FD September - 2017
FEATURE: Various Enhancements Legend curve names Drag & drop (Un)links curves’ scales Works fine Left click Curve filling on/off Right click Marking selector panel Left click: Choose a color (by default transparent) Right click: (Un)lock the handle, both handles locked to add the marking Petra Mazdin, BE-ICS-FD September - 2017
FEATURE: New Labels Place additional information at certain positions Can display HTML encoded content or an icon Moves accordingly if the area is resized Comments: Panel: 04_Trending_NewLabels.pnl Works fine Petra Mazdin, BE-ICS-FD September - 2017
FEATURE: Preselection trend Opens a view port with an overview of the main one Comments: Panel: 05_Trending_areaViewPort.pnl Works fine Style the view port: available in a css file in config folder: File name: stylesheet.css Petra Mazdin, BE-ICS-FD September - 2017
FEATURE: Area Close Event & Freeze Mode Triggering another event when closing a trend with the X-button Freeze mode stops displaying newly received values Comments: Panel: 06_Trending_Freeze.pnl Issues: Area close event unknown when closing a trend Freeze mode: Cannot be set in runtime Initialize script: works fine Petra Mazdin, BE-ICS-FD September - 2017
FEATURE: Ruler popup The previous popup is a panel now Fully customized Enhanced functionality Comments: Panel: 07_Trending_Ruler.pnl One ruler panel per project Dependency on a library with global variables Works fine Petra Mazdin, BE-ICS-FD September - 2017
FEATURE: Grid color Grid color Grid line type Comments: Panel: 08_Trending_GridOptions.pnl Works fine Petra Mazdin, BE-ICS-FD September - 2017
FEATURE: Visualization Optimization Before All values drawn even if their number exceeded the number of displayable pixels Now Only the number of visible pixels drawn Comments: Panel: 09_Trending_VisualOptimization.pnl 150min, 1 value/ms -> 9 000 000 values Works fine *Only when a very large number of values displayed Petra Mazdin, BE-ICS-FD September - 2017
FEATURE: Custom Markers Set images per curve Point type Point icon Comments: Panel: 10_Trending_CustomMarkers.pnl Works fine Warning: cannot load the image Petra Mazdin, BE-ICS-FD September - 2017
ISSUES TO REPORT Simplify usage of the main trend panel: remove dependencies in custom shapes and global variables Legend appearance with multiple curves: last curves are overwritten Flexibility with the ruler panel, currently one customization per project Flexibility with the legend panel Flexibility with the marking selector panel Petra Mazdin, BE-ICS-FD September - 2017
QUESTIONS ? Petra Mazdin, BE-ICS-FD September - 2017