LE1-C5S4T1pg The Salute – A Sign of Respect
Purpose This lesson will show you how and when to execute a proper hand salute.
1. Explain how to give a proper hand salute. 2. Know when to give a salute. 3. Know who to salute.
CPS Key Word Questions (1-5)
Salute Courtesy Respect ______ – a respectful greeting. ________ - to show or feel special regard for. _______ – to show or feel high regard or esteem for or toward another person.
Custom Tradition _______ – a habitual practice followed as a course of action by a particular group. ________ – a mode of behavior passed on from one generation to the next.
CPS Lesson Questions (1-2)
Has anyone ever saluted you. If yes, how did you feel? A.No, I have not been saluted. B.Yes, I felt respected. C.Yes, it was a bit awkward. D.Yes, I felt honored. E.Yes, I felt ______.
True or False: Some believe the origin of saluting came from the Age of Chivalry when two knights met, they raised their visors to expose their faces. A.True B.False
When you see two people in the military salute, what does it mean to you? (Use CPS “Pick a Student” for this question.)
British Navy The current salute used by the Marine Corps personnel has its origins from the __________.
Whom to salute You must render the salute to all commissioned and warrant officers. Generally, you do not salute noncommissioned officers or petty officers; however, there are exceptions. For example, when you act as a squad leader, salute your platoon sergeant when making reports.
How to salute When a leader who is in charge of a formation commands, “present, arms,” you should execute a salute. When wearing headgear with a visor, raise your right hand sharply, fingers and thumb extended and joined, palm facing down.
CPS Lesson Question (3-4)
The current salute used by the Marine Corps personnel has its origins from the __________. A.American Army B.British Army C.British Navy D.None of the above
True or False: Generally, you do not salute noncommissioned officers. A.True B.False
When to salute When you hear the national anthem, “To The Colors” or “Hail to the Chief” (if you are in uniform). When the national colors pass you. During all official greetings. During reveille and retreat, when within sight of the flag or the sound of the music an din uniform. During the rendering/sounding of honors.
When you are not required to salute When on public transportation, including buses and trains. When in public places such as stores and theatres. While indoors except when reporting to an officer or when on duty as a guard. When one or both parties are in civilian cloths.
CPS Lesson Question (5-6)
When should you render a salute? A.When you hear the national anthem. B.When in public places. C.During official greetings. D.A and B only E.All of the above
When do you not have to render a salute? A.When both parties are in civilian cloths. B.When in public places. C.When the national colors pass you. D.A and B only E.All of the above
List 2-3 reasons why it is important to know how and when to render a salute. (Use CPS “Pick a Student” for this question.)
Images in this lesson were taken from: Microsoft © Clip Art Gallery Marine Corps Combat Camera LE1-C3S2T8