VPN (Virtual Private Network)
What is VPN? A VPN is a private communications network that utilises a public medium (such as the Internet) to connect remote users and/or devices together.
Impact of VPN (Corporate Industry) VPN improves communication between employees, employers and clients/customers in that documents can be retrieved and submitted with ease. Employees are able to work when are where they so choose; feasibility and flexibility in relation to completing tasks is increased dramatically. Improvements in productivity results. Faster, efficient and more convenient communication amongst employees, employers and clients ultimately leads to greater efficiency in delivering services and the productive process of businesses.
Impact of VPN (Individual Employees) Employees, if they so choose, can work from home (or any other location) where there is an internet connection and computer. Greater feasibility and flexibility with working Faster and easier access to company documents, files and customer details -> leads to greater efficiency and greater productivity per worker.
Before VPN Use of expensive, dedicated, “leased” lines for connecting remote users/offices and devices. (Frame Relay and ATM) Dial-up remote access servers Manual retrieval of documents from company filing databases (physical copies of reports)
Present Use of VPN Client interface Relatively fast (retrieval and submission) Mainly used by enterprise, corporations (large firms)
Future Means of transferring extremely large files Increased security Improved performance and reliability VOIP + Video Conferencing Affordable for all companies (greater penetration amongst business) More diverse (multi-platform technology)
Benefits associated with VPN Increases efficiency and productivity Secure Timely Readily accessible at any time (convenient) Environmentally sound (reduced use of paper through electronic database) Simple to use Reliable Creation of employment opportunities/positions
Drawbacks associated with VPN Can cause employees to become distracted (if working from home/telecommuting) Requires an internet connection, power supply and computer to access Large initial and ongoing outlays (software, hardware, training, maintenance) Position redundancy Large timeframe needed for installation and testing of VPN network prior to activation.