Trails and Tribulations From a Hardwood Forestry Literature Junkie: The Hardwood Information Project Brian Roy Lockhart USDA Forest Service Southern Research Station Center for Bottomland Hardwoods Research, Stoneville, Mississippi Sixth Biennial Conference on University Education in Natural Resources March 6, 2006, East Lansing, Michigan
Teaching Experience optional, senior-level hardwood management Background Teaching Experience optional, senior-level hardwood management course for 10 out of 12 years emphasis on the ecology, silviculture, and management readings heavily emphasized
Objectives coarse – to provide students with a large listing of Background Objectives coarse – to provide students with a large listing of literature for future reference THIP – The Hardwood Information Project combines research literature with coarse literature hobby seek ideas for improving THIP to serve the natural resource professions
Overview centered on Forestry Abstracts monthly journal THIP Overview centered on Forestry Abstracts monthly journal complete listing of forestry literature (10,000 abstract annually) tradeoffs usually 6 months to 1 year old acceptable for more complete coverage
Abstract Selection based on hardwood coarse lecture topics 62 total THIP Abstract Selection based on hardwood coarse lecture topics 62 total introduction, ecology, silviculture, management lectures still being completed represent “summary reports” used for service-oriented endeavors guest lectures, workshops/shortcourses, general presentations manuscript and research proposal preparation
THIP Example Mississippi Hardwood Notes notebook
Publication Acquisition THIP Publication Acquisition 3 attempts National Agricultural Library one of the world’s largest and most accessible agricultural research libraries over 500 journals online personal subscriptions direct e-mail to author interlibrary loan services
Filing done by lecture topic THIP Filing done by lecture topic serves as hardwood literature filing system copies made available upon request subject to time constraints copyright issues
THIP not exclusive to hardwoods – tropical species, Conclusions THIP not exclusive to hardwoods – tropical species, southern pines, western conifers
THIP goal is to have one of the best collections of Conclusions THIP goal is to have one of the best collections of hardwood literature in the World located in one place easily retrievable format World Wide Web?
“Do not exploit the hardwood resource – The End “Do not exploit the hardwood resource – it is what got us here and it is what will provide for us in the future”