CAPT One-year Review Content Access Policy and Technology Committee Reminder of CAPT’s Charge and Structure Summary of the One-year Review Where to Learn More
Charge CAPT is charged with developing a forward-looking and overarching vision for effective and innovative user access to Library collections and resources Articulating Library-wide content access priorities, Defining integrated technology-based services and programs that facilitate access to Library collections and resources of all formats, Promoting the use of standard software tools, metadata schema, object formats, and data exchange protocols to ensure that Illinois' information resources are sustainable over the long term, Prioritizing, evaluating, and vetting requests for technology design and development projects that facilitate content access and management and which affect multiple units or which require significant support from central units such as IT or CAM, and Appoints, coordinates, and oversees work groups for specific content access related projects Provides high-level policy and direction to six standing work groups Facilitates communication
Work Groups Digital Production Repositories, Preservation, and Access digitize, format, and describe digital library content Repositories, Preservation, and Access manage, curate, preserve, and make accessible digital library content Search, Discovery, and Delivery search and discovery services, especially those which cross multiple domains, formats, access systems, or vendor products Web maintain the Library’s web sites, including home page, and the CMS Cataloging and Metadata maintain the Library’s Online Public Access Catalog and similar systems and finding aids Electronic Resources procure, manage, and provide access to licensed and purchased electronic resources
Roles (all ex officio) “by virtue of one's position or status” CAPT Membership (12) AULs (3) Director of Library IT Director of Library IT Production Services Chairs of each standing work group (6) Web Team Core Content chair (previously the UX Librarian) Co-Chairs AUL for Collections
Preliminary Summary of One-year Review Work Groups asked to report on the effectiveness of CAPT (Official Report Coming Soon) CAPT works well as a information exchange channel, as a sounding board or vetting mechanism for decisions and ideas, and as an idea generator Consensus is that the formation of the work groups themselves has been very effective – especially for improving communications and empowering local decision making CAPT seems too unwieldy for strategic planning or making decisions But at least some of the work groups appreciate the autonomy this affords them in being nimble and making their own decisions CAPT could improve how the regular meetings are organized with less time for reporting and more time for active discussion CAPT should make more time for longer-term planning
Where to Learn More Meeting Agendas and Minutes are posted to the CAPT Web Site: Summary of the Meetings are also available in Library Office Notes (LON):