The Protestant Reformation


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Presentation transcript:

The Protestant Reformation

Causes of the Reformation 100 Years War and Black Death Scientific Advances which contradicted the Church The Corruption within the Catholic Church

What was the Protestant Reformation? Prior to the Reformation all Christians were Roman Catholic The [REFORM]ation was an attempt to REFORM the Catholic Church People like Martin Luther wanted to get rid of the corruption and restore the people’s faith in the church

What was the Protestant Reformation? In the end the reformers, like Luther, established their own religions The Reformation caused a split in Christianity with the formation of these new Protestant religions

What was the Protestant Reformation? CHRISTIANITY PROTESTANT CATHOLIC

Erasmus Leading the good life was more important than performing religious rituals Wanted to REFORM the Church, not break with it, others want to go further

The Reformers Martin Luther John Calvin Henry VIII

Martin Luther Lived from 1483-1546 in Germany Father encouraged him to study law A sudden religious experience inspired him to become a monk

Martin Luther He became troubled over the possibility of not going to heaven He turned to the Bible, and confession for comfort In the Bible he found the answer he was looking for

“The righteous shall by his faith.” ROMANS 1:17 “The righteous shall by his faith.” Luther realized that only faith (in the ultimate goodness of Jesus), not good deeds, could save a person. No good works, rituals, etc. would save a person if they did not believe.

Luther's 95 Theses A list of things he thought were wrong with the Catholic Church (95 Complaints) He criticized: The Power of the Pope The Extreme Wealth of the Church Indulgences (Catholic concept of Salvation)

Luther's 95 Theses Gutenberg’s Printing Press made it possible for Luther to spread his beliefs Posted his 95 Theses on Church doors in Germany Gained support from people and criticism from Church

The first thing printed on Gutenberg’s press was the Bible. This is a picture of a page from one of Gutenberg’s Bibles.

Luther on Trial 1520 Pope Leo X order Luther to give up his beliefs Luther burned the order and was excommunicated The Diet of Worms Luther went into hiding where he translated the New Testament into German – spreading his beliefs even further

Pope Leo X (Medici) He was the Pope during the height of the corruption

Luther prepares to burn Pope's orders

Acceptance of Reforms Some Local German Churches accepted Luther’s ideas Lutheranism was formed Supported by German Princes who issued a formal “protest” against the Church for suppressing the reforms The reformers came to be known as [PROTEST]ants - Protestants

Peasant Revolt Peasants living in Germany supported Luther and his ideas. In a brutal uprising, peasants in Germany revolted against the German princes. Peasants believed that reformers would support the peasants revolt against the German princes.

Peasant Revolt Catholics and Protestants Fight Luther and other reformers support the German princes. Catholics and Protestants Fight Results in the Peace of Augsburg Each German prince could choose religion of their state Subjects would need to follow their choice

John Calvin “May little chickens dig out your eyes 100,000 times.” - Calvin speaking to another reformer whose ideas he disagreed with

John Calvin Anti-Catholic Influenced by Martin Luther Disagreed with Luther’s “Salvation through faith alone.” Created his own Protestant religion in Switzerland

Predestination Calvin believed in: Salvation through Predestination At birth it is decided if you will go to heaven or hell

Calvin believed in: Foreknowledge God knows everything that will happen in your life Purified approach to life: No drinking, swearing, card playing, gambling etc..

CALVINISM Started in Switzerland – Calvinists England = Puritans Scotland = Presbyterians Holland = Dutch Reform France = Huguenots Germany = Reform Church

Christianity Protestant Catholic Lutheran Calvinism Presbyterian Puritan Hugeunots

Reformation in France French Huguenots, many of which were nobles, threatened the Catholic Monarchy During the French Wars of Religion, (1562-1598) Huguenots were persecuted Henry of Navarre ascends to the throne

Reformation in France Henry is a Huguenot – he converts (changes) to Catholic and signs the Edict of Nantes in 1598 Edict of Nantes Ends war Recognizes Catholicism as official religion of France Gives Huguenots right to worship and legal rights

English Reformation King Henry VIII wants a annulment from his first wife, Catherine of Aragon No male heir to the throne After years of arguing, Henry declares himself Head of the Church of England (Anglican Church) by the Act of Supremacy

Catholic Reformation In response to the Protestant Reformation the Catholic Church took steps to reform from within. This is known as the Catholic [REFORM]ation

3 Pillars The Jesuits Took a special vow of obedience to the pope Successful in restoring Catholicism to parts of Germany and Europe Council of Trent Met on and off for 18 years in Austria Reaffirmed a clear body Roman Catholic Doctrine Condemned the sale of indulgence Reform of the Papacy Pope Paul III called the Reform Commission in 1537 Recognized the Jesuits Began Council of Trent